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Using voice feature to overcome v600 phonebook limitations


May 11, 2004, 12:05 PM
There have been numerous complaints about the v600 phonebook software -- specifically, the need to make separate entries when you want to include one person's home, office, and cell numbers -- and the nuisance it is to scroll through such long lists.

I've largely overcome the need to scroll through the phonebook at all by using the v600's built-in voice feature. For example, I can press the Voice key, say "Amy home" OR "Amy office" OR "Amy cell" OR "Amy pager" and it instantly takes me to that phonebook entry. Then I simply press the Dial key and it dials the number.

When creating these voice entries, just remember that the phonebook entry *must* be stored on the phone, not the SIM card. That's a subtlety that is hard to catch in th...

May 11, 2004, 5:48 PM
Actually what you want is available in the V600. When programing the name all you have to do is scrol doen to more and then enter the 2nd number then designate as Home/Office/etc. Now to view the numbers as in a phone book style do the following: Menue, phone book, menue, scrooll all the way to setup and select, then scrol to view and select then scrol to by primary and select and then press done. That is all. Then go to your phone names you will then see thName of the person then use the right and left key in on the pad to scrol through the numbers for that name.

May 11, 2004, 6:27 PM
WOW IS THAT EASY!!! This phonebook is a lot better and easier now!!! Not that I had a problem with it before but this is better! Thanks for the tip!!! 😁 😁 😁

May 12, 2004, 8:06 AM
Note: I did hit a limitation of 20 voice-supported entries for the phonebook before I hit a memory limit on the phone.

While that's sufficient for my most-frequently called numbers, it won't be for many people.

Since the goal is to use the phonebook more efficiently, a viable workaround in that case might be to provide your own "index" entries. For example, let's say you're a businessperson with 200 phonebook entries. No one wants to scroll through that many entries, even if they've combined several numbers as described in the previous reply to this forum thread.

Simply create phonebook entries (with fictitious numbers) for "A", "B", "CD", "EFG", ..."XYZ", and these will instantly take you to within a few entries of the person yo...

May 14, 2004, 12:20 PM
I've found the phone book is not very user friendly. Even when I set up the phone to only show primiary numbers, for me to locate a person still takes some effort as the phone book allows only single letter search. In other words, if you have 20 people's name start with a "D", it only brings you to the first person starting with the letter D; then, you have to scrow down until find the person you want to lookup.

I used other phones before and they let you do multiple letter seach.

Not sure if others figure out how to do multi-letter search.

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