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Motorola V600


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Cingular V600's


May 11, 2004, 12:31 AM
Ok now I have a Cingular branded V600, and (knock on wood) I have not had any problems having it for 2 weeks. The only thing i can complain about is that near the top I have very tiny scratches that cannot bee seen unless you look for it. I have had no software problems or glitches and I have absolutely NO scratches on the screen nor on the front or back of the phone. I am very happy with this phone and I would like to announce it and I'd like to see wether or not others are happy with this phone. Please tell the brand of the phone you have eg. Cingular, ATT, or Unbranded. Because to me it seems like all the problems are with the ATT and unbranded phones. Just asking out of curiosity... 😎

May 11, 2004, 5:36 AM
Hey Stix,

I have 2 unbranded V600 and I had to send them both in for repair.

Are the scratches on the black bezel where the phone flips open and close? If so I would guess yours is putting pressure on the bezel and it is only a matter of time that is cracks there.

Mine didn't scratch there but the bezel did crack and chip off elsewhere.

If you can I would exchange it for another and hope that that one doesn't have that problem. As for the problems appearing to be on AT&T and unbranded phone, that's possible b/c those are the only ones out there about 2 months or longer. Cingular just launched it so I'm sure the problems will start to catch up.

Good Luck.

May 11, 2004, 8:08 AM
I dont know what brand I have but I have cingular service. My phone doesnt says at&t or cingular on it so ill assume its inbranded but I have had no problems with the phone, not even any scratchs and Ive had it for 2 weeks. Its perfect till now and hopefully it'll stay this way.

May 11, 2004, 10:44 AM
I've had my Cingular branded phone for about a week now, and absolutely love the phone. I've only run into one software problem, where all of the entries in my phonebook disappeared. After rebooting the phone, they were back. That only happened once after I was mucking around with the phone settings. As for the scratches, I do have some forming. I don't think that there is a lot of pressure being put on that portion of the bezel that everyone is talking about. I personally think that the scratches are caused from build-up that collects on the little rubber bumper. I usually carry my phone in my pocket without a case, so lint can get in there. I make an effort to wipe it at least once a day to minimize the scratching. Other than thos...

May 11, 2004, 11:30 AM
I've had the ATT branded phone for about one month now. No Problems with software, or any
scratching/chipping of the front bezel. My reception is stronger that with my previous
ATT phone, a Samsung X426, and far better than
a previous Motorola T721. I think the guys who bought unbranded phones from the Far East and
started flashing/flexing the phones caused their own problems.

May 11, 2004, 1:31 PM
yeah that made sense, updating the software would cause the bezel to chip.....brilliant how did you ever figure it out.

Besides look at your colleagues with AT&T phones, some of them are already on their 3rd one.

Oh yeah, besides the ones that are unlocked aren't made by Motorola too......whatever!!
will work for food

May 12, 2004, 5:21 PM
i have the AT&T branded v600 and i'm happy to say i have not had any problems whatsoever out of it, no cracks or scratches the phone is in new like condition after having it for over 40 days.

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