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Motorola V600


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problems with bluetooh mac exchange


May 8, 2004, 12:08 PM
i'm having problems exchanging files and doing everything with my v600 and my powerbook g4. i'm running X10.3, and i just bought the belkin bluetooth adapter. so i'll go to setup the device on the computer, and everything goes pretty smooth. i type in the password, i skip through all the internet/modem connections stuff and then it says congrats it's been connected blah blah blah. so then i got to send a file from the dropdown menu, and the phone is gone, like it was never t here and it won't be able to find it. i've been having these problems for weeks and i've looked all over the forums and i can't find anything to help me out so if anyone can help that would be awesome. my aim screen name is leomcpants if you would like to chat with me ...

May 14, 2004, 1:59 PM
I suspect you haven't setup the phone properly. You have to setup the bluetooth connection on the phone, too. I have an ibook and some off brand bluetooth dongle and have had no problems since figured out the setup. others have said that powering down the phone for a minute or so has solved some connection problems.

use the browse command in the bluetooth file exchange program on the mac. i find that more intuitive.

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