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Motorola V600


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Build up on screen


May 6, 2004, 4:48 PM
does anyone else have this problem..i'm getting build up on the screen that you put to your ear. And the scary thing is it's not coming off. I know i don't have ear funk, what the hell is this? how do i clean the screen, and with what???

May 6, 2004, 5:52 PM
It's just the oils from your skin.
Take a paper towel, spritz some Windex on it and wipe it off.
There is nothing you can do to stop that from happening.

May 6, 2004, 9:11 PM
Yea I get that **** too! And I have one little spot that will not come off at all. I'm going to try and use the windex and see if it will work. I can't believe how I didn't think of windex! 😲 😳

May 7, 2004, 1:26 AM
it dosen't look like oils. And it dosen't come off with spit or anything like that. Maybe try some windex but i have rubbed the s**t out of it and no go. I'm starting to think i have ear funk


May 10, 2004, 1:22 PM
Or at least for me it's not...

Mine has actually been scratched by the number buttons on the keypad. They're sharp as hell and when the phone is closed, the buttons rub onto the screen, scratching it. You can try whatever you want to clean it off, but I'll bet you that they're actually scratches, not your funky ear.

This phone is a POS - mine's got the some of the same software problems as my old T720 - you'd think they would've addressed those problems before releasing their "flagship" phone.

F Motorola - I'm throwing this junker against the wall and getting something else - any ideas ? Maybe SE...

/sorry for the rant

May 21, 2004, 1:25 PM
You can try a Write-right screen cover for your LCD, you will have to cut it to fit your phone, but that should prevent any more scratching.

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