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Jabra Bluetooth headset compatibility?


May 2, 2004, 2:00 PM
Does anyone with a v600 have a Jabra Bluetooth headset, and if so, does it work fine?

The Jabra Website has an outdated compatibility chart that doesn't mention the v600.

I'm considering the Jabra FreeSpeak 250, which claims to be "compliant with Bluetooth 1.1."


May 3, 2004, 1:55 PM
i have one and i will try, i was using with sony ericson t616 and it was terrible.

May 3, 2004, 5:03 PM
I have the FreeSpeak 200 and it works great.

May 7, 2004, 5:54 PM
Ditto -- My wife loves it. I prefer the HS810; personal ergonomic preference.

May 3, 2004, 6:50 PM
Just got a new v600 (at&t) and a freespeak 250.

it works as advertised (paired 1st try) and people say i sound fine. the earpiece is comfortable.

i've only had it a day so no long term opinions yet.

May 13, 2004, 3:18 PM
simile said:
Just got a new v600 (at&t) and a freespeak 250.

it works as advertised (paired 1st try) and people say i sound fine. the earpiece is comfortable.

i've only had it a day so no long term opinions yet.

SIMILE - I've got a V600 & JB BT 250 (previously used flawlessly with an SE T610), I can't get my V600 to locate another device (BT 250) - any specific instructions?


May 13, 2004, 3:57 PM
momobile said:
simile said:
Just got a new v600 (at&t) and a freespeak 250.

it works as advertised (paired 1st try) and people say i sound fine. the earpiece is comfortable.

i've only had it a day so no long term opinions yet.

SIMILE - I've got a V600 & JB BT 250 (previously used flawlessly with an SE T610), I can't get my V600 to locate another device (BT 250) - any specific instructions?


Try powering off your phone and powering up again. I have problems trying to reconnect my Jabra headset (no devices found) when it has not been connected for a while. Powering off and rebooting seems to make it immediately connect.

May 14, 2004, 12:57 PM
What exactly are you trying?

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