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Motorola V600


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v600 cingular;not able to hear ring when bluetooth is on


Apr 30, 2004, 8:25 PM
not able to ehar ring when the bluetooth is on. is there a fix for this? please help me out someone.

Apr 30, 2004, 8:42 PM
The V600 will not ring when the bluetooth headset is armed. Once you close the bluetooth headset the phone will ring again.
As far as I know there is no way to change this.

Apr 30, 2004, 10:54 PM
yeah, i spoke to tech supp at cing. and they told me the same thing. it's sort of irritating and uncomfortable but i need to decide if i can live with that

May 1, 2004, 7:10 AM
How can you tell if you have a call? AT&T version rings in headset.

May 1, 2004, 7:53 AM
It won't be the same ring that you have on the phone; but you will hear tones in your ear. If you set up your phone, it will answer automatically. To disconnect all you have to do is press the bottom on the headset.

May 1, 2004, 1:24 PM
i hear it in my ear justfine. i just couldn't believe the phone would not ring when bluetooth is enabled. i thought something is wrong. i need it to ring, i know this is something simple but i think the so called moto flagship phone should have been set p where i had a choice if the phone would ring or not.

May 13, 2004, 1:42 AM
Has anybody spoken to Cingular about this? How else are we supposed to tell if the phone is ringing when the bluetooth headset is connected??? Do we need to keep it in vibrate so that we can feel the phone shaking? Maybe a new firmware version will fix this?

May 14, 2004, 1:49 AM
it rings in your ear but that is it. i use the bluetooth when i am at work. i'm on the phone but will answer phone when i hear it rings but of course the v600 does not ring. i tried everything. to answer you question; yes i spoke to cingular and theirtech support says nothing wrong with network call motorola. called motorola and the verified with bluetooth dept. and they say that phone will not ring. i returned the phone and currently using t616. very minute but in my case i need that feature for my situation.

May 14, 2004, 12:49 PM
On Howard Forums they are saying that the new firmware will allow the phone ring on both the handset and in the earpiece. Of course this requires flashing the firmware. not exactly the most user friendly process 🙂

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