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Motorola V600


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V600 & NBA All Star Weekend.


Feb 15, 2004, 6:02 PM
I have been watching the NBA All Star Weekend programs and I have seen several people using the phone on T.V. Has anyone else noticed it, and if so what's the deal with that? Is the phone out in the L.A. market?

Feb 15, 2004, 6:14 PM
the phones were probably given out as a promotion - just like at sundance and the oscars.

Feb 15, 2004, 8:28 PM
Well they have been giving this phone away right and left for promotion base. How about the people that have been waiting for it who will also pay for it. With this in mind, I realy don't think Motorola gives a damn of what we think or give heck about its consumers. I am so fed up with them and their lies and delays and hope that this will just put them out of the business of making cell phones. You can now tell that I am angry. You all should be angry and every one here should voice it directly to Motorola, may be then they will get of thire behinds and do something.

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