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Motorola V600


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My Store got it!


Feb 15, 2004, 2:29 AM
I stopped in the AT&T Store that I work at to pick up my paycheck and when I was there we had about 25 of the phones locked up in a closet. So I am guessing that this monday really is it than..We're under STRICT orders not to take the phones out of the closet, touch them or even look at them..until monday morning my manger said..

Hmm..we'll see I guess!

Feb 15, 2004, 4:42 AM
What state do you live in????????????

Feb 15, 2004, 8:21 AM
That is bogus.

You are lying.

What is your AWID? Or even better, what is your store number? I can look that up in oracle. Its down today (which means no ordering) but it will be back tomorrow.

I dont know where you think you are, but you are full of it. Firstly, ATTWS.com gets phones before any store period. Secondly, my store is #2 in the northeast region and in the top 25 in the country. We are A+ traffic, and gold status inventory. And your store in the middle of who knows where got it before the website or my top of the line store??

No way, I call your bluff. I want proof. Pics, your AWID, or Oracle ID. We also dont store phones in a closet, we have a locked inventory room in the back. The only closest we have are behind stor...

Feb 15, 2004, 11:13 AM
I also work for AT&T and this person IS full of it. They mentioned they went to pick up their paycheck. Well, payday was Feb 6. So unless you have tons of money and can wait an entire week for your paycheck, then you are a total liar!!!!

Feb 15, 2004, 11:28 AM
he's posting a similar story on the v600 board at Howard Forums as well.

Feb 15, 2004, 12:57 PM
Its called I was on vacation..Why would I waste my time on here and lie?

Feb 15, 2004, 1:43 PM
Well, you tell us?

Simple request, simple way to prove yourself: Your AWID? Store number? Oracle? Any pictures you have for proof? Alot of people would like to buy this phone, it wouldnt be very nice to mislead them or get them excited over nothing.

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