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Motorola V600


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Here Yee Here Yee


Feb 13, 2004, 10:27 AM
I work at a T-mobile Call Center and there is are 2 motorola reps here today.. One has the V600 and hooked up through tmobile. The phone is great! Word from them is that TMOBILE WILL CARRY THIS PHONE IN APRIL!!! If you don't believe me.. That's your problem.. I will go back and ask question about the so called delays later.. But thought I'de let the Tmobile peeps in here the Good News..

Feb 13, 2004, 12:21 PM
Hey Iceberg, any news on the so called delays?

Feb 13, 2004, 1:13 PM
Not yet.. I'll go see them on my lunch..

Feb 13, 2004, 1:23 PM
I am with T-Mobile and I was thinking of getting an unlocked version of the V600, but if this is concrete truth... I might just wait and see. 😳

Keep me posted please.

Feb 13, 2004, 5:06 PM
According to the 2 reps.. Yes, Tmobile will have it in April.. With all the delays I guess April sounds good.. As far as the delays they didn't have much info.. But I did get to play with one of the beta phones and think it's great.. Whoever said that these phones were made for At&t's network, needs to check their source, because it works with Tzones.. That's all I really have.. They'll be back on the 25th

Feb 13, 2004, 5:13 PM
Vodaphone was given the phone first (is out now in the UK). The one my friend ordered came in today and looks very nice. The ATT branded model will hit the US anytime. After ATT uses up their one month exclusive contract, the other providers will have their branded models available (T-Mobile, Cingular, and such). Generic non-branded phones should be available then as well.

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