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Motorola V600


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the new obsolete v600!


Feb 13, 2004, 9:34 AM
am i alone in thinking that by the time this phone does make it out to the public it will already be obsolete? 1, 3, 6, 9, 1yr delays and the competition is going to zooooooom past moto.

what's this this 2 month "software delay"? are they saying they didn't check the software all along? kinda funny that they only notice such a "serious" problem right befire the phone is to debut.

Feb 13, 2004, 10:14 AM
I am not sure this is a manufactures issue. The reps that I have spoken with at Motorola have consistently stated that AT&T has had this phone since last Fall. I think the problem is with it passing or working on the AT&T Network. I have always owned Nokia phones. I distinctly recall similar network issues with the Nokia 7250i. I was never told by AT&T that the phone had issues, but rather that they decided not to carry the phone. It was months later through another source that I learned they could not support the phone. I was told yesterday that the Nokia 7200 will not be carried by AT&T, which was suppose to launch in March. It just seems like we are having a hard time supporting the new technology, or at least this provider is. I...

Feb 13, 2004, 10:15 AM
I think it's all bullshit, why are they giving the v600 to oscar nominees, and they will have a service provider automatically when the get the phone. BULLSHIT I TELL YOU. In this day, if you're not a celeb you get treated like ****. And I now you guys feel like ****. Because I sure do. Ugly ass Pink had the V600 since last year. Now aint software problems bullshit. It aint that hard to reprogram a software to work correctly, atleast it shouldn't take 6 months.

Feb 13, 2004, 10:27 AM
I have seen a lot of replies to this issue. This is the first time I decided to reply. I am not going to complain because it's not going to make me feel any better, and it definately isn't going to help me get the V600 any faster. Yet I still say that the issue is not a manufacturing issue. This phone is a global phone that seems to work in the other markets, just not in the USA, yet. AT&T has had issues with other manufactures phones, and I feel that maybe it's time to upgrade the network again. Technology changes and the networks have to adapt to support it. However, with the possibilities of a buyout, that will most likely be left to the buyer.

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