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Like I said, February 16th


Feb 6, 2004, 1:24 PM
As I mentioned in a post yesterday, the Business Foundation Account Center told me they had an availability date of February 16th. He did mention there was not a price listed on their sheet yet, but did confirm the date with another rep in their sales group.

It seem with other's posting regarding availability on February 16th, that this will hopefully be the latest launch date for this phone.

Feb 6, 2004, 4:50 PM
I could careless when this phone comes out. My contract with AT&T ends at the end of Feb. So whether its the 16th or the 30th it doesn't matter. I'm going to get a huge discount from AT&T to renew my contract. 🙂

Feb 10, 2004, 7:38 PM
Hate to burst your bubble but AT&T isn't going to give you a huge discount if you renew your contract. Not even new activations are getting rebates. Trust me, I work for AT&T and with the anticipation surrounding this phone they're not going to be giving anyone discounts. ☚ī¸

Feb 10, 2004, 10:12 PM
Actually I will be getting a discount right away. It is a corporate sponsered foundation account that I receive a 50% discount on any equipment at any time (does not include accessories). This is not an upgrade, renewal, or rebate discount. I give the store or call center our foundation account number and *poof* 50% off. I confirmed this again with the national foundation sales reps when they told me the phone will be out Feb 16th.

Feb 10, 2004, 10:22 PM
if ya dont mind me asking..how did you get a 50% off discount?

Feb 11, 2004, 12:08 AM
The company I work for has what is called a "Foundation Account" with AT&T Wireless. We receive 50% off of equipment and 15% off of our monthly bill for personal accounts because our company as whole provides them a ton of business.

Check with the company you work for to see if they have a foundation account with AT&T Wireless. You would be surprised at how many companies do these days. You can also check with an AT&T Rep as they can look these up in their system by company name as well. It's much faster if you already have the number to give the AT&T Rep, it can take them a while to find it.

Feb 11, 2004, 8:32 AM
Bricher do you think you can hook me w/ your discount? I'de really appreciate it.. iceberg010@yahoo.com .. And what's up w/ getting this phone unlocked?

Feb 11, 2004, 11:41 AM

Who do you work for, and how does one go about getting an employer to get a "Foundation Account"

Feb 11, 2004, 8:01 PM
aaahhhh...nothing like a "foundation account" i cant wait to pay only half of the cost on this phone even without an extended service agreement or any other agreement. 😛

Feb 11, 2004, 3:07 PM
That's great for you but people just wanting to upgrade will not receive a discount. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule.

Feb 7, 2004, 1:10 AM
This phone should be available on February 9th. That is the national release date, but it likely won't be in AWS retail stores that quickly. The 9th should be the day that dealers are able to order the phone, and have it a day or 2 later..... NBO orders should theoretically be filled on the9th or 10th. We'll see if that holds true!

Feb 7, 2004, 1:28 AM
How do you know what the National release date will be?

Feb 10, 2004, 1:49 AM
Thought it would be today. Turns out it's next Monday, the 16th. These things are always subject to quantity, availability, etc. I just heard over the weekend that the date had been moved back a week......

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