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Motorola V600


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anyone see the V690...?!


Feb 4, 2004, 12:39 AM
hi guys...
I just saw a motorola phone v690. It's only market for china. If u guys see it... what an awesome phone!!!! DAMN U FCC!!! WE WANT COOL PHONES!!!!

Feb 4, 2004, 2:13 PM
I have seen the Moto V690. It is a very fashionable phone. Which surprises me why Motorola hasn't offered the phone in North America. Nevertheless, the V690 is a Triband handset, so it will work on our network - not just in Asia and Europe.

If this is your choice, considering all the false starts with the V600, I cannot say it would be a bad choice. Small package, but awesome phone.

Plemix.com has the V690 unlocked for $449. But to see some good photos of the phone - go to Mobileburn.com (gallery V690).

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