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Motorola Droid


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I played with the iPhone then the Droid and


Dec 22, 2009, 8:23 PM
finally lost a bit of love for the iPhone and now see the beauty of the Droid. The iPhone is a nice phone, sparkly and all, but the Droid just seems like a machine ready to be modified to my liking; I like to tinker.

The only question I have is, what benefits will the Droid have over the Eris (other than the keyboard) after the Eris receives an OS upgrade?

Also, my new-every-two comes in Feb, so are there any whispers about what may be coming to VZ early next year that will also make a big splash in the android market? If I have to wait till Feb anyway should I wait just a bit longer into the new year?

Dec 22, 2009, 11:58 PM
Droid has a larger screen and a faster processor. It also comes preloaded with a larger SD card (but you can always buy a big one).

The big advantage of the Eris is the sense UI. If you really like tinkering, stick with the droid. If you like the wow factor of SenseUI, the eris is still a great phone, but not as powerful as the Droid is (nor is the screen as amazing)

Dec 23, 2009, 7:06 AM
I also think that Android is better than Apple. As for DROID vs Eris, go with Motorola DROID. It has a camera flash where the Eris doesn't, faster processor, better screen (higher color, bigger screen and very sharp) I could go on and on. Like Menno said, the Eris has looks. If you want an Android phone with looks and a cheaper price get the Eris. If you want a true powerhouse with the most updated software and the best possiblities, get the Motorola DROID. Hope this helps.

Dec 23, 2009, 9:05 AM
Thanks guys. I think I'm pretty much set on the Droid now. Almost all my coworkers have the iPhone (but the tech guys have Android phones) and they all complain about AT&T service. I also feel that the Droid is the future and allows customers to customize their phone which I like, Apple just wants too much control over their stuff and seems to box folks in.

In Feb I will be able to get my Droid for about $100 after the one every two, even less if there's a sale at that time.

I can't wait!!!

Dec 24, 2009, 2:27 AM
I think you've made a wise decision. On top of getting a great phone you want it to be on a great network and AT&T fails at that. I tried AT&T once, had a great phone, but left because of the network. When I left I said, man I wish this phone was on Verizon. It was a RAZR2 V9x and was great but AT&T's network couldn't handle it.

I've had my DROID for about a week now and I love it! It's the best thing out there. I have friends who have the iPhone and I have an iPod Touch. The thing I noticed about the Touch/iPhone was it was slow! The Droid is so much faster. AT&T goes about saying how fast their network is but if the device doesn't have a fast processor it won't matter if they get 5MBps it'll only go as fast as the device will l...

Dec 29, 2009, 9:57 AM
I became eligible for a new every 2 last month, but waited until yesterday to upgrade to the Droid phone. I got an HTC Eris droid for free with the purchase of a Mot Droid for my mother-in-law since it is less complex interfacing than the Droid and nice size for her purse. I paid $199 -$100 = $99 for the Droid plus Eris --THANK YOU VERIZON !!!!!!!! I love you so much (only love my wife, dad, my kids, my mother-in-law, and God more than Verizon).

I enjoy my Ipod and my daughter likes her Ipod Touch, sorry ATT. Look on the bright side, I have my home phone and Internet with you ATT. Beggars can't be choosy.

Dec 29, 2009, 10:31 AM
I'm hearing that the Palm Pre is coming to VZ and now I'm back to being undecided. I've been using a Palm 650 for years and really like the Palm desktop software which I've been using for almost 10 years.

I'm now wondering if I should stay with a Palm product, or move on over to the new kid on the block, the Droid. But I still have a month or so to decide.

Dec 29, 2009, 10:39 AM
Do you have a friend on Sprint with a Pre? You could try his/her Pre for a while.

Do you have a friend that has a Droid phone with any provider, preferably with Verizon .

You could try both outside of a store in a less stressful and hurried environment, and then decide before your new every 2 comes up.

Dec 29, 2009, 10:49 AM
Thanks akidwai, I do have a friend with a Pre but don't know anyone with a Droid yet. I'll have to talk with my friend that has the Pre to see how he like his; I never asked him much abouht his Pre in the past since I couldn't get one on Verizon anyway.

I work for a university so I'd bet I'll be seeing folks with a Droid in the coming months. Some of the students seem to have very giving parents so I'd bet I'll be seeing a few of them with the Droid very soon.

Dec 29, 2009, 3:29 PM
Just curious, which state do you work in?

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