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Motorola Droid


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Alert/Reminder tones?


Dec 14, 2009, 11:18 PM
I know how to select notification tones for different things but say I don't hear the chime ringing and I miss the text message or didn't hear the phone ring and I am left with a voicemail. Is there a way I can set a reminder beep or tone to alert me 1 or 2 minutes later? I was able to do this on the Voyager but so far, I have not been able to find anything on the Droid that offers this.

I am hoping that a future update would eliminate having to press the power/lock button on top of the phone to unlock the phone out of standby mode. What's the purpose of the slide lock if you have to press the top lock button to wake up the screen? Wish the Droid could wake up from the standby screen just by handling it or gently shaking it.

Wishful ...

Dec 15, 2009, 6:41 AM
the power lock on top is to help save battery life. If you could wake it up by shaking it, your screen would be on all the time in your pocket, and you would be complaining about the battery life. 🤣

Dec 15, 2009, 10:10 AM
Yea I guess your right about that! LOL!

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