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Phone (Virtual) Keypad Problem


Dec 6, 2009, 12:34 AM
Just noticed that when in the middle of a call, if you start to punch in numbers (ie. to dial another number) and make a mistake, there is no way to delete the erroneous numbers. Any ideas about this?...

Dec 8, 2009, 2:35 AM
Taking a stab at this one...

If you are dialing a new number using the "dialpad" while already on a call, this is designed to send touch tones, such as entering a voicemail password or bank pin.

In such a circumstance, there *IS* no "undo" or back, and providing such a key would only foster the illusion that it would work. If you are dialing a call this way while you are talking to someone, you are annoying the crap out of them with "beep, boop, beep".

Instead, use the "Add call" button, which presents you with the regular dial screen, including a "send" key, and a backspace key. Plus it won't send the touchtones out. (although if you have audible touchtones turned on in your preferences YOU will still hear them, and if you are on...

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