Palm Pre (CDMA)
Reviews 98
Pre online availability?
Does anyone know when the Pre will be available online? I've been reading online that it will not be offered online until after the 6th.
I can't wait till I dump my crapberry with suckass 3G service in Chicago.
2 replies
Palm Pre vs. Touch Pro 2
I need help deciding which of these phones to buy. I like the Pre but the Touch Pro 2 is very nice as well. I know the headache that some people have run in to with Windows Mobile phones and that scares me a bit. I also have heard the negatives about the Pre which don't scare me nearly as much. Which would you guys go with?
5 replies
Pre can't do personal ringtones - or record video ??
Combine those two huge shortcomings with no ability for external memory - these are simple things Palm should have accomplished with this device -
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May 31, 2009, 4:24 PM
is there a camcorder on the pre?
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reliable sources say that you can't just buy the phone full retail. phone must be activated on service. Also sprint corporate stores are suppose to have more phones than 3rdparty(best buy,radio shack). 3rd party stores state only having 3-10 palms and thats it.
11 replies
May 25, 2009, 1:16 AM
i heard that youtube will not work on the pre. is that true?
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A partial review of the actual hands on device
boygenius gives the first review,I don't think its a finish product. eview/#comment-498957
I have something that will answer all questions, if you can read.
I have read the 344 pg user guide which was leaked on the web and I will make it available. Here is the link read it and decide if this phone meets your needs,if it doesn't that will mean one less person in line. It's not a Iphone killer but its in a class of its own. It will draw some people away from the Iphone. I will be getting it.
Palm EOS is a FAKE!!!!
Don't fool yourselves, that so-called picture of a new Palm device is either a photoshopped Centro or Treo Pro. It is amazing how many people believe this. These rumors do nothing but feed speculative journalism.
9 replies
May 29, 2009, 7:28 AM
do you know if you can use Skype on Pre?
May 25, 2009, 7:47 PM
does the pre have 3g or 4g?
4 replies
Will this work on 'PRE'paid?
Sorry, I had to do it! 😁
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May 20, 2009, 6:21 PM
GSM version
Its says pre CDMA kinda makes u think
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Do or DIe?
I think that this might be the device that makes or breaks Palm. It has been a very long time with the same OS or Windows. Any thoughts?
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will there be a lot of apps for this phone?
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I've been waiting
I've been waiting almost 2 years for Sprint to get a phone I like. I love their everything for 99$ and can't wait to get my Pre!
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Does Palm Pre has a visual voicemail?
Does Palm Pre has a visual voicemail?
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Wondering if Pre will accept Exchange Policies
This is my main question. If it doesn't, it will not be accpeted as one of our company cell phones.
1 reply
Expandable Memory?
I'm sorry if I missed this, but I was going through the specs and didn't see it...
11 replies
iu wanted to know can the plam pre work for metro pcs
1 reply