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BlackBerry Storm 9530


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camera problem


Mar 9, 2009, 7:24 PM
I am getting an error with my camera it says...could not start the camera. Close other applications and try opening camera again....
Tried battery pull and no luck...only basic apps browser, messages etc are open...any ideas? Thanks!

Mar 10, 2009, 12:39 PM
maluthanga said:
I am getting an error with my camera it says...could not start the camera. Close other applications and try opening camera again....
Tried battery pull and no luck...only basic apps browser, messages etc are open...any ideas? Thanks!

I have one idea if a battery pull is not fixing it. A camera connection may have worked itself loose. This is a fix I have done on my own Storm twice so far:

-Pull the battery
-Put 1 thumb on your LED flash and the other thumb over the camera lense
-Put your index fingers on both sides of the earpiece
-Apply pressure in a pinching motion and snap the connection back in place

also if you have .90 I think that is the OS that the camera doesn't work wel...

Mar 12, 2009, 12:26 PM
I've tried a lot to fix that on customer's phone, doesnt happen often, if what he says doesnt work, go ahead and go to a vzw store and have them dfill a fru...that's what i've been trying. and yes .90 does have a camera issue if you are using beta software

Mar 13, 2009, 8:39 PM
if your using beta software, flash back to .75. all beta software voids the man. warranty. now the tech or rep might not know that, and if the phone doesnt boot up, then its fine too. i have to call them in, and have to read the s/w and h/w codes on blackberrys.

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