Motorola Z6c World Edition
HELP! Need to unlock phone
Ok I need some help and clarification. I am traveling out of the country in a few days - UK and the middle east. I wanted to take my phone and use the GSM capabilities and a third party SIM card.
When I called Verizon customer service representative she told me that the only way I could do this was by purchasing their SIM card and then they would have to unlock my phone. But I would still need to use their SIM card.
I thought they could provide me with an unlock code based on my serial number? But I guess upon quick review of this forum I noticed that you need a SIM card (any SIM not just international) in the phone which will then prompt for an unlock code. Shouldn't they provide me with that code?
Lastly, if all of ...
Question on speakerphone
Sound level
PC connectivity
Micro to Mini USB adapters available?
I'd hate to spend money to get new chargers.
I leave a wall charger at home plugged in and then have an extra one for travel that stays in my travel bag. Same with car chargers. I got about 3, HAHAHA. Keep forgetting to bring them, so they are spread out in different vehicles.
Would be nice to just buy adapters instead of all the accessories.
If any of you can help or have ideas, I'd appreciate it.
Vibrate then ring?
Let's Here Some New Reviews from VZW Customers
Verizon just lowered the price
SIM card use?
GSM Mode-time and Unlock code
Also how do you get an unlock code from Verizon for a prepaid sim from t-Mobile? I will be going back this summer for a longer period of time and Verizons cost is way to high to use for that extended period.
Will Dual Band for GSM work?
http://www.telestial.com/view_product.php?PRODUCT_ID ... »
better way to do a smiley face?
Z6c Custom Ringtones / Backgrounds (General PC Connections)
some minor issues, should i swap?
I really like the look and feel of the phone, but have some minor grips with it. Just wanted to see if others are having the same issues... and whether if exchanging for another one would be worthwhile.
1) sometimes the ringer doesn't right; for a brief period of time last night, when the volume was set on max, all incoming calls did not cause the ringer to ring. vibrate was working... after poweroff, remove and reset the battery, poweron... it seems to be working now... I HOPE THIS was just a one time glitch.
2) the right "contact" button (above the CLR button) makes a creaking sound when depressing it. hard to explain this but it just doesn't sound or feel like the left "message" button.
Battery No Good?!
Z6c Unlocked & in GSM mode image
Here's the image of the phone in GSM mode with a Hugnarian T-Mobile SIM in it:
http://picasaweb.google.com/rfekecs/MotorolaZ6c/phot ... »