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Contact Ringtone I set it - ? not working?


Oct 8, 2006, 9:10 AM

Purchased some ringtones from Xringer

I see them under call sounds, and my ringtones

set the ringtone I wanted to the contact id

But it only uses the "regular" ringtone I have for other people -

Under contacts, I see the ringtone I want to be there under the contact id info - but it doesn't use that when they call???

What do all the "locks" mean on the ringtones in the setting menu? And why are they green, and the ones I purchased yellow - and all of them have "locks"

Oct 8, 2006, 9:14 AM
If you have vibe and ring set, then contact ringtones don't work.

Oct 8, 2006, 9:18 AM

You, are brilliant!...I have another question, but I'll post it on a seperate thread

Thanks again

Oct 13, 2006, 2:01 PM
On my old Motorola, I had the "Loud" and "Soft" ring styles and I set the "soft" to silent, but set ringer ID's to "on." That way I could manage which calls actually rang on the phone. Is there a way to do it through the verizon UI?

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