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Problems with the Slvr


Apr 19, 2006, 11:53 AM
Anyone know how to stop the text messages that come in everytime there is a voice message?

Also noticed on mine that he display time out option doesn't work. Whatever I set this for "off" , "1 min" or "2 mins" the display always turns off after 1 min. Anyone else experiencing this? THanks.

May 22, 2006, 1:41 AM
Does your text come in when you call your voicemail? If so I too am having the same problem with an unlocked phone I just bought. I called my server (T-Mobile) their techs couldn't help me, neither could Motorola.
If you do happen to find the answer will you please let me know, its very annoying. At least I did confirm with T-Mobile that its not coming from them so I don't get charged for it. Thanks

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