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Worst excuses for broken phones


Dec 3, 2006, 3:50 PM
This is a new one to me:

Customer: this phone got so hot in my hand that I dropped it and it cracked the screen. This is a problem with the phone and I want a new one.

me: thats crazy

thats all i could really say

i've also heard this one, which used to be my favorite untiltoday

Customer: I don't know how my sreen got broke, I just woke up and it was like this


Customer: I don't know how my phone got wet. Do you think that it was because its cold outside?

I'm curious to see what excuses everyone else has heard.

Dec 3, 2006, 4:06 PM
I think the worst one is the "I dropped it in the toilet". It's honest, yeah, but the problem is that they always hand you the phone and let you mess with it for five minutes and then tell you that. It's f*cking disgusting.

Dec 3, 2006, 4:08 PM
yeah but was it before or after they went!!

Dec 3, 2006, 4:09 PM
Either way is gross, it's just worse if it fell in pee or poop. The problem is you never know and it's kind of an awkward question to ask.

Dec 3, 2006, 4:12 PM
I know that either way its gross was just joking. Just keep some latex gloves around. hen you put them on and someone asks just tell them people have a habit of telling they dropped it in a toilet after I have touched it.

Dec 3, 2006, 4:25 PM
My favorite was " Well the thing keeps dropping calls. If it wouldn't drop so many calls I wouldn't have thrown it. It's YOUR fault I broke it, give me a new one!"
Ah, that was a fun call. 🙄

Dec 3, 2006, 4:31 PM
If its true I don't blame her for throwing it! 🤣

Dec 4, 2006, 11:07 AM
Why do people blame us for their screw-ups

Dec 6, 2006, 12:54 PM
because we are a faceless corporation that they feel no shame in blaming for their mistakes. They don't take responsibility for their actions.

Dec 3, 2006, 4:33 PM
Not a bad idea ^_^

Dec 4, 2006, 4:38 PM
People are sick and wrong!

Dec 4, 2006, 9:37 AM
what is peoples obssession with having the phone in the bathroom with them anyway?? I dont wanna talk to someone while their doing their business.

Dec 4, 2006, 12:32 PM

Dec 4, 2006, 1:04 PM
It doesn't bother me if I don't hear it or get a play-by-play.
Fear The Cubans

Dec 5, 2006, 1:48 PM
I had a female minister come in the other day, tell me that she had dropped her phone in the toilet numerous times. Why after the first time, she didn't learn is beyond me.

Another fun excuse is:

I work in a college town (East Lansing, Michigan - Go Spartans!), and so every Sunday, I get at least 2 people (sometimes more, depending on if there was a football game the day before) come in saying they dropped their phone in a cup of beer/liquor. Their phone often times still reeks of alcohol.

Our one day high for that excuse was 8.

Dec 6, 2006, 12:57 PM
I think it's still gross to think about how many phones haven't been in the toilet but people use without/before washing their hands. Then when it's broken it's handed on over to us to check out.

DJ Parkay

Dec 5, 2006, 1:57 PM
Well actally if it falls in pee that will cause the speakerphone not to work.
If it gets in poop then the buttons and screen will malfunction. You need specific information from the customer to accurately provide technical support and troubleshooting for the phone in question.
DJ Parkay

Dec 5, 2006, 1:55 PM
The best one is when they tell you straight up that they dropped it or got it wet and throw a fit in front of all your other customres because you wont replace it for free.

Cracked screens are allways good too. Somehow customers think that by getting mad at the rps and yelling that you will believe that magically physical damage just happened to their phone. Like te overweight person that expects their phone to survive under their weight in their sweaty back pocket all day.

For some reason when it comes to cellphones people hate to accept rsponisibility for own actions.

Dec 6, 2006, 2:09 PM
BUT they always follow it up with "It was a clean bowl" or "I cleaned it real good" as if this is going to stop you from soaking yur hands in bleach for the next 5 minutes... blech!

Dec 3, 2006, 5:10 PM
I like:
"My phone stopped working today while I was using it"
(I open phone)
"your phone got wet, sir"
"no it didn't"
"this red dot shows it has. not to mention that there is still water in it... see"
"thats not water, thats sweat... its hot outside"


"thats not water, its rain"


"that dot was red when I got it" (new in a sealed box?)


Thats not water, thats baby drool

Dec 4, 2006, 9:57 AM
the best is when they hand you a phone that they had for over a year and is out of warranty and when you tell them that they say it never worked since the day they got it 😳

Dec 4, 2006, 10:28 AM
We encounter that way too much here. My co-worker made a comment one day that these phones need "little black boxes" such as what is in airplanes to tell what happened when.

We had a custy the other day who came in and was having problems with her phone. We immediately asked her if to her knowledge the phone had ever come into contact with any liquid. She said "no, never, I always have it in my purse." Then when we took the phone apart and found the sticker to be miscolored, we showed it to her, THEN she said "well, I did drop it in a glass of iced tea" You just want to look back at these people and say "What happened to No! Never!!"

Dec 4, 2006, 10:49 AM
I had a customer yesterday wanting a new phone because it had been run over by a dump truck. This phone was thinner than the razor and the case had melted into the phone. It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Anyway he wanted a free phone. When I explained that he had to pay full retail he got all upset and told me to cancel his account becuase we were f***ing him over. "My buddy had a problem with his phone and they gave him a new one." I told him that if he had a problem with his phone I would be happy to replace it but this was in 7 pieces and the flatest phone I have ever seen. I did not run it over so therefore you have to pay full retail. He did buy the phone, but some people amaze me.

Dec 4, 2006, 12:29 PM
I've encountered a lot where a customer comes in with a really beat up phone that got wet and no longer worked, but they had insurance... no problem right... but when the customer is talking on the phone to the insurance people they tell them the phone has no physical or liquid damage because they think thats what the insurance company wants to hear, so the then the insurance company denies the claim and won't let the customer change their story lol
thats what they get for lying!

Dec 4, 2006, 12:59 PM
That's pretty awesome...I would laugh at them if I saw that happen ^_^

Yesterday my co-worker dealt with a dumb insurance lady. I wish I could've been here for it but I was at the book store doing some shopping so I completely missed it.

Anyway, the lady wanted to replace a phone that was lost so my co-worker looked up her account. He saw that there was insurance on her account so he told her this. She screamed at him that she didn't have insurance, at which point he showed her the feature screen with the insurance on there.

She got angry at him and explained that she had tried calling insurance for a replacement first but the guy made her mad so she yelled at him for an hour and cancelled the insurance because she was "frustrate...

Dec 4, 2006, 1:03 PM
You win!

Dec 4, 2006, 1:25 PM
lol wow how do they expect to get a new phone? man some people amaze me, lol.

Dec 4, 2006, 3:32 PM
I agree

Dec 6, 2006, 2:03 PM
This is one thing I love about the CDMA treos. Just type ##377# and it will show you when the last reset was, and what caused it.

A guy came in saying that his phone just shuts off on him. We ask if there was any additional software downloaded to the device, he says no, just what comes with it.

We ##ERR# it, and it shows the third party software name, and when it last reset which was around 20 minutes before he came in. He gives us this dumbfounded look, and says, "oh yeah, i forgot that i downloaded that."

So, I suppose you also forgot what you did 20 minutes ago when you last ran that program?

Dec 4, 2006, 10:51 AM
Yes, I can't stand that.

Dec 4, 2006, 1:10 PM
"Then you probably should've done something about it before the warranty was up". That usually shuts them up.

Dec 4, 2006, 1:29 PM
"My horse stepped on it"

Dec 4, 2006, 1:48 PM
I have to wonder if any curious folks have damaged their phones by...um...how should I say...using the vibrate feature to derive physical pleasure.

I've seen one with warming massage lotion in it. I've seen all sorts of liquids (baby spit, toilet, ocean, lake, etc). I've had people swear up and down their phone has never been wet and tell me I'm making shtuff up even though they have crunchy green corrosion all over the phone and obvious water lines on the SN sticker.

One guy ran over his phone with a lawn mower and got mad that it was in 25 pieces. He made the claim that his Nextel phone would have come out of the mower just fine and that VZW just makes crappy phones. I seriously doubt their phones could survive a lawn mower. ...

Dec 4, 2006, 4:10 PM
OMG this is a good one! I once wrote a program for the SMT 5600 that could control the vibrate feature and make pulse at different intervals and stuff LOL
TMI? (No, I didn't USE it... i just wrote the program because it was funny as heck)

Dec 4, 2006, 4:11 PM
Sure you didn't use it. 😉


Dec 4, 2006, 4:12 PM
No, really, I swear! LOL

Dec 4, 2006, 4:15 PM
katrina: No (buzz buzz), really (buzz buzz), I swear (buzz buzz)!

Dec 4, 2006, 4:17 PM
LOL Thats all I would have needed, to ruin a $200 phone when I had a perfectly good thing for that at home lol

Dec 4, 2006, 4:24 PM
😳 Nice.😁

Dec 4, 2006, 4:29 PM
I think I'll have to shut down my store for a few minutes... 😛

Dec 4, 2006, 4:37 PM

Dec 4, 2006, 4:45 PM

Dec 4, 2006, 4:47 PM
Come to think of it... the one I had then was almost $200... so I guess it would've been about the same either way LOL

Dec 6, 2006, 2:38 PM
$200 for a "marital aid?" wow.

Dec 6, 2006, 3:12 PM
And worth every penny, until the motor wore out :-/ ROFL

Dec 6, 2006, 5:52 PM
Get a room you two! 😳

Dec 6, 2006, 5:55 PM
ROFL I know right

Dec 4, 2006, 3:11 PM
"I ran my phone over with a crane"

I had a friend that shot his with a shotgun because the buttons stopped working when his boat was stranded in the middle of a lake so when he got to shore him and his friends shot it with a shotgun and a .45...he drives a truck.

Dec 4, 2006, 4:45 PM
Get this one...I had a guy come in and say he just flipped the phone open and it came apart into two pieces...You know the flip phones just sometmes come right apart lol

Dec 5, 2006, 3:14 PM
I had a customer try that one on me, yesterday. She came in with the hinge shattered on one end, and told me it had only been opened gently. I asked her who had tried to glue it back, and she looked at me shocked. Her daughter had borrowed it the night before but had told her that it had "just broke" for no good reason. I asked why she had tried to glue it back, she said it hadn't been glued. I showed her the glue, complete with a fingerprint immortalized in it. I asked if we should take it to the police and see if they could figure out who had broken and tried to fix the phone. (I smiled prettily to take away some of the sting) She asked for the phone number of the insurance. I put her in a loaner after she called insurance, and she...

Dec 6, 2006, 1:18 PM
Oh yeah, a broken hinge is never the customer's fault, it's always a manufacturer's defect.

Dec 4, 2006, 4:57 PM
I had a customer with a W600 featuring a cracked screen come in looking for a warranty exchange. He claimed the phone cracked itself when he went out on a break and left it oh his desk. I told him he should ask around the office to determine who dropped the phone. 😉

Dec 4, 2006, 5:22 PM
Celestial Halo

Dec 5, 2006, 2:48 PM
I had a kid come in a just request to buy a phone outright. I started asking him about his upgrade eligibility, etc... He just cut me off and said he just needed to buy a phone. Curious, I asked him what happened to his. Apparently one very cold night he gave his jacket to a homeless man. The next morning he realized his phone was in the jacket!! 🤣

Dec 5, 2006, 2:57 PM
aww, nice kid!

Dec 6, 2006, 12:26 PM
this has to be the best tall tail I've had to endure when a cust calls in to find out if they can get their phone replaced through insurance. this fella calls in and goes on how he was at the bar showing his buddies an "up the skirt" photo on his phone and someone slaps him on the shoulder( i was waiting to hear that it was the girls' boyfriend) and he drops it in to a jug of beer. in the ensuing panic the jug gets spilled and the phone takes a tumble on to the floor and gets " booted around like a soccer ball" as he put it, and ends up in 3 pieces.
i was tasting blood at this point because i was biting my cheek trying not to burst out laughing. thankfully it was covered under the insurance.

now as i write this i still wonder if this ...

Dec 6, 2006, 12:46 PM
I bet it was the boyfriend too...pervert. 🤣

Dec 6, 2006, 3:29 PM
haha I this is definitly a one of a kind story. I've heard many, but this is hilarious. 🤣 🤣

Dec 6, 2006, 4:00 PM
My favorite was a guy who brought in one half of a phone. I look up the account and he has insurance, so I give him the number.
He then tells me that this is unacceptable, he needs a replacement phone today, he is missing important calls. The conversation unfolds:

"Well, you would be able to connect a headset to the half you have here, and still make calls."

"But then I can't tell who's calling, or who I'm calling"

"How did we make and recieve calls before caller ID was invented?"

"Well I'm used to it now, and I don't know anybody's number."

"I can print your phonebook if you want."

"That's still not acceptable, I want a phone today."

"Where is the other half of the phone?"

"I don't know, I lost it a few days ago."

Dec 8, 2006, 3:21 PM
ok, i have another one for y'all.

this fella calls in asking about insurance coverage. apparently he loaned his brand new sanyo 8400 to his hearing impaired mom( nice guy). so he sets it on the" most annoying ringer and turns it all the way up" as he put it. some one called the phone and his mom's golden retriever takes the phone and buries it in the back yard. 🤣 🤣

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