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where are the people?


Feb 11, 2006, 1:33 PM
I've been here 2 1/2 hours (strip mall) and have had 2 customers.

1) car charger
2) angry her phone didn't come with a lanyard and we don't stock them 🙄

On top of that, one of the other guys is on vacation so I've been solo all week and today. I can't believe it's this slow. Anyone else busy?

No? Then dance for me! 😈

Feb 11, 2006, 1:43 PM
I'm in a shopping plaza...and I got in at 12:30. I'm in New England and it is supposed to snow at least a foot tonight (or so says the weatherman) so naturally everybody is running around buying tons of milk and bread thinking they will be stuck in their house for weeks... 🙄

We're slow here now...my boss and co-worker have sold a few phones so far...but now we're just sitting her doing nothing... ☚ī¸

Feb 11, 2006, 1:47 PM
I have decided that because our mall is so slow, I don't even want people to come here. It is so embarrassing to have people come up to your kiosk and ask "Where did those six clothing stores go?" When we tell them they have all closed within the last three weeks, they look at us in disbelief... "Really?" Well, I am not sh*tting out an Express store right now, and I don't see one here... Must mean they closed.
Polvo de ajo

Feb 11, 2006, 5:43 PM
I work in a mall kiosk, whenever someone comes up to me and (example) "where is footlocker?" I give them directions to customer service.

one weekend I made a sign that said "directions, $1.00" but my manager made me take it down. 😡

Feb 11, 2006, 6:36 PM
😕 I love it when people walk up to our kiosk and ask if we know where one of the six stores that surround us is located. We usually tell them we have never heard of it and then look right at it. If the customer is too stupid to figure that out, our mall has hired customer service reps to answer their questions.

Feb 11, 2006, 6:39 PM
I'd like to throw rocks at those people.

Feb 11, 2006, 7:22 PM
That doesn't sound bad, but I think hitting them with sticks is much more funny. The sound of that wooden beam making contact with their skull is like music to my ears. Aside from the blood spatter (I typically use Spray & Wash for my clothes and Resolve for the flooring after the dirty jobs) the whole ordeal is quite simple. Besides, they already acted brain-dead, all I was doing was icing the cake. 😈

Feb 11, 2006, 1:57 PM
I've had more people walk in then I am used to at this location but, still have only sold a headset. But I've had like 6 people come in, perfectly spaced out so that I'm not bored for too long and so that I don't have a store full of people and just little me helping them. Ooop make that 7 customers so far. But they are all having problems I don't get everyday. And really wanting to buy anything. GRRR.

Feb 11, 2006, 5:47 PM
I've had six total customers, two of them who actually bought something. I had one new act and sold a leather case. It wasn't a total waste of time to be here today. And I only have an hour and 13 minutes to go.

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