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Tricked Out

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A little help if it's possible....


Aug 16, 2005, 11:24 AM
Ok, so here is the situation with which I have hit a brick wall.

I purchased a usb phone cable for my Sanyo 7400. It came with only driver software. I purchased some software online for extracting ringtones,phone books,etc. I also have a Sanyo 4920 (compatible with same cable) and it seems as though I cannot extract my ringers from one and place in the other with the software I purchased. I feel like I wasted 35 dollars.
I'm looking for any program, preferably starting at free and ending at cheap, which will allow me to do said feature. I have some custom ringtones that I would like to sync to the other phone but I just can't seem to do it.

Anybody who can offer up some answers?

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