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Best Convergence Device?


Sep 3, 2004, 12:22 AM
I have been searching far and wide for the best convergence device. I have pretty demanding requirements, so this is a pretty tough request. In a nutshell, I want as much PDA functionality as possible in a device that is no bigger than the average phone. I want Bluetooth, InfraRed, removable media and USB. I also want a phone that is supported by one of the top wireless carriers. That last issue seems to be the show stopper for me right now.

I thought I had found such a device. Actually, I did. The Nokia 6620 seems to serve me well for all of the above, except that it's a GSM phone. And quite frankly, AT&T's GSM network blows. I need service in rural areas, but it seems that only phones that handle analog and digital signals will...

Sep 3, 2004, 10:20 AM
Just wait a little longer. If you do, you'll be rewarded with another option...

Sep 3, 2004, 10:24 AM
How much longer? Which carrier? What brand of phone? I have 11 days to cancel the Verizon plan and return the Moto v710 and 20 days to cancel the AT&T plan and return the Nokia 6620.

Sep 3, 2004, 10:39 AM
One thing to keeop in mind - in many rural locations the Verizon coverage is roaming or analog. All the bells and whistles will not work in those areas.

Sep 3, 2004, 10:50 AM
Cingular also has the 6620, and their GSM network is pretty darn extensive. It will be even larger (larger than even VZW) after the close of the ATTWS buyout.

Just something to think about.

Sep 3, 2004, 11:53 AM
Cingular and AT&T have removed all romaing restrictions, due to the pending merge. I don't see any significant growth in the network occurring.

Sep 3, 2004, 11:55 AM
Not true... there are still areas where they are not open.

Sep 7, 2004, 9:27 PM
There a CRAPLOAD of areas NOT OPEN. There are only about 10 Markets that have opened up the roaming, so spout your BS elsewhere. I think the only lack of expansion will be in your britches and in your mind.

Yay... even more of "My boss at VZW said blah blah blah, so it must be true". Get a damn clue.

Sep 3, 2004, 12:53 PM
Wow! That was one of the best laughs I've had all day. It was also the biggest trailer-load of BS that's been written here in a long time.

Sep 3, 2004, 12:58 PM
Oh really? We will offer ALL-DIGITAL service in all 100 top markets, while VZW offers mixed service in 97. Have a nice laugh there, number 2

Sep 3, 2004, 1:06 PM
By the time cingular's deal gets the thumbs up, even if the current rate of new subscribers remains constant (unlike the growth in the rate we've been seeing ever since LNP), we'll still emerge on the other side of your deal with more subscribers. Having gone through a merger, however, rest assured it will be well over two years before the merged companies start to act as one company.

Sorry, but even if you combine the coverage footprints of ATTW and cingular, you still would not have a larger footprint.

Sep 3, 2004, 3:08 PM
Cingular is poised to close by next month, first off. Secondly, VZW would have to have growth of over 6 million in the next quarter to exceed our customer base post-buyout. We already have you beat for towers nationwide BEFORE we acquire ATTWS.

As for it taking two years before we act as one company... who shares that opinion besides you? The network integration will be done far before that, and the ATTWS brand will be done well before that. We combined 11 different companies to form Cingular, and did it in record time. This is only ONE company. Keep dreaming.

Sep 3, 2004, 3:42 PM
The merger will not close next month. The DOJ and FCC are still investigating.

No one really knows how long it will take to combine the two companies. Largest hurdle is billing and customer databases.

Sep 3, 2004, 3:52 PM

That's not what I'm hearing.

I agree on the billing and database issues.

Sep 7, 2004, 8:40 PM
southwestcomm said:
The merger will not close next month. The DOJ and FCC are still investigating.

No one really knows how long it will take to combine the two companies. Largest hurdle is billing and customer databases.

Hate to disappont you, but head muck-a-mucks at both the FCC AND the DOJ have BOTH been quoted as saying that they don't see ANYTHING delaying the proposed merger. So, unless Bill Gates shows up and tells everyone that HE is buying Cingular and ATTWS, then the deal will be done on time.

Sep 3, 2004, 3:42 PM
Someone is overdue for drug screening.

Sep 3, 2004, 3:54 PM
CDG... must be you. I have compared the two networks tower for tower. Our all-digital coverage will exceed yours. Get over it.

And hold onto your butts whenm we roll out HSDPA.

Sep 7, 2004, 5:01 PM
Have you now? What DM tool did you use to gather log files? What infrastructures? What markets? Were you able to pull logs from the AAA? What reference device did you use? Was this strictly call-processing? What number of freq carriers were in the environments you tested in? PCS overlay?

Sep 7, 2004, 9:45 PM
Hey CDG...
It's called the internet... it will take you less than 10 minutes to get an up to date tower count of wireless companies. They aren't up to the minute, but usually within 1-3 months of accuracy. Guess what? When you do a simple tower count and compare COMPANY OWNED NETWORK SIZE, Cingular IS Bigger than VZW. Cingular OWNS more network than VZW.

And where exactly, do you get your info, mon ami? Oh yeah... that ONE guy down the hall from your boss who talked to a guy who heard that VZW ran a test and gave the results to a guy who sent them to his boss who gave them to an "independant" consumer group who then called that other guy in R&D and "confirmed" that his friend told him that his secretary knew the guy who did the tests. So...

Sep 8, 2004, 7:04 PM
Because everything published on the internet is factual? Whoever said that if it's on the net, it's true? I get my info from my own testing.

Sep 8, 2004, 11:55 PM
do you test with your left hand or your right hand? so, you're claiming to be a "can you hear me now?" guy??? or perhaps you work for the FCC? or maybe you have been able to successfully count the number of towers in your neighborhood.

No everything on the net is NOT factual(especially what you say), but even a chimp can find some LEGITIMATE websites that have the info you are requesting. come on... you can do it. it's called a "search engine"...

Sep 10, 2004, 4:00 PM
I would love to do the search engines and waste an entire day with no dead lines, no responsibilities, and not have to worry about increasing work loads with decreasing resources. And while I might, just perhaps, be so inclined to do the research to have an informed discussion with someone else technically knowledgeable about the wireless industry, you, do not represent anything other than a waste of time. Perhaps if your attitude were a little friendlier, maybe...

Sep 7, 2004, 9:20 PM
Your initials must stand for Crack is Damn Good.
At the VERY best guess, analysts are saying that VZW "MIGHT" be able to jump ahead again AFTER 18 months. Considering that Cingular will launch the biggest ad campaign in wireless history after the deal closes, don't bet on VZW keeping their current pace.
As far as your "footprint"... Cingular currently offers the LARGEST VOICE/DATA NETWORK in the US and ONE of the largest in the WORLD. VZW offers SLIGHTLY larger(about 6% larger)"Calling Area" for Voice, but falls waaayyyy short in the DATA dept. However, "calling area" and SERVICE AREA are 2 different things. Cingular currently offers SERVICE in 97 of the TOP 100 markets, as opposed to VZW's 90. When the Buyout goes through, Cingular will...

Sep 8, 2004, 7:09 PM
The reason why we say good luck with the merger is because we know what it is like to go through one, not that we are forgetting that we came from one.

Congratulations on continuing the degradation on an otherwise elightened discussion. Good thing you are ordering the TP. Use it on your mouth first.

Sep 9, 2004, 12:14 AM
The only thing continuing to degrade is your IQ. You have yet to back up anything you say with ANYTHING besides "I do my OWN testing". And pal, this discussion WAS enlightened about 20-30 pages ago, but it's been played out, and I get tired of seeing the same ol' same ol'. You guys can't even come up with NEW BS to say. It's always the same nonsense that was disproven in month old forum-threads. So, I don't even feel the need to be nice about it anymore. Yeah, I use a few "sentence enhancements" here and there... get over it. Are you an ADULT? Can you get into a PG-13 movie? You can find more offensive language on broadcast television.

Oh, thanks for the tip on the "merger". We've been through 11 mergers, so I think we have it covered, ...

Sep 10, 2004, 4:11 PM
When I get a break sometime next week, I'll post why CDMA is better than GSM. Simply a technical discussion; marketting and market share aside. Simply why CDMA over GSM. Lend your thoughts to that.

Sep 10, 2004, 11:06 PM
Well, let me start off by pointing out one thing that makes GSM better. In my opinion it's THE CDMA killer: WARBLE. No, I'm not dyslexic trying to spell Marble. It's Warble. Simply described, "warble" is the garbled digital sound that is sometimes heard on a digital cell call. CDMA produces more warble than GSM. That's why GSM gets to claim "Truest Voice Quality".

Tag: You're it.

Sep 12, 2004, 9:54 AM
This statement is the truth !!!!

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