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well, this is it


Apr 22, 2006, 6:18 PM
I leave my store in an hour and never come back! No more cell phone stores for me! I know I didn't post a ton but I figure I won't be lurking in the shadows around here anymore...so farewell. Many of you have entertained me through slow days and snow days, bi!chy customers and ridiculous corporate policies.

Alot of you have taught me more than I could ever imagine there was to know about cell phones. From hacking them to fixing them, teaching them to selling them, thank you helping me become really good at my job.

I'll always wonder if when I call customer care, I'll be talking with someone who will then go post about me 😳

So, thanks everyone, and best of luck in all you do. 😎

Apr 22, 2006, 6:21 PM
good luck mark in whatever your doing now...


Apr 22, 2006, 6:24 PM
just don't be a douche and they won;t. 😉

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