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Old lady


Aug 27, 2011, 8:46 AM
I was helping this old lady with her phone. And guess what she farted loudly and she kept on talking. You know how hard it was from keeping myself from laughing. Anybody else had this kind of experience?

Aug 27, 2011, 4:18 PM
Embarrassing story here 🤭

early in my banking job, i was spending a Saturday working as a teller. It sucked cause we had to be to work fairly early for a Saturday and everyone was always hung over. So it was just me and another guy Evan behind the teller counter at this time. I was really hung over and my stomach was upset. Evan went around the corner to get some cash from the vault and i was counting a ladies cash back to her. I got half way through it, and all the sudden i had to sneeze really bad. So with my head turned and half her cash still in my hands i sneezed really hard out of nowhere. And since i sneezed so hard i ended up farting really loud simultaneously. I was kind of hoping she didn't hear, but i saw Evan drop to th...

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