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just failed a quality... (long and ranting)


Mar 19, 2008, 7:39 PM
Because of something beyond my control. So yeah aparantly back in november there was a change in policy to where even if the phone comes up as reconditioned we have to go in and put the upgrade fee AND waiver on.. i was always told that if it comes up as reconditioned we do nothing.. its done thru a backend script.
Was also told that in ensemble if we do a swap and are waiving the fee we do nothing.. just dont add a charge dont credit a charge simple as that. Well with the new quality forms we have I failed it, because aparantly no matter what now we have to put the upgrade fee and/or waiver on its not done thru the backend script. Great.. but guess what.. as with everything else I wasn't informed and it looks like mostly everyone else was...

Mar 20, 2008, 9:24 AM
Welcome to the wireless industry...... Same ol sh** different day!

Mar 20, 2008, 1:44 PM
just another day in paradise where they dont know their elbows from their ______...and to go with your rant ensemble sux we just started it like a month ago and it really blows

Mar 20, 2008, 2:31 PM
itll get better.. i've had it since may of 07.. sometimes yeah it does suck.. but for the most part its not too bad.

Mar 20, 2008, 2:38 PM
i sure hope so i get screamed at while im on the phone trying to help people and i cant seem to focus...but i am learning more and more each day so im hoping it gets better if not i may need to do some serious thinkn about gettin another job before i go into the crazyhouse

Mar 20, 2008, 3:16 PM
yeah im doin the same thing.. im about 100% convinced im puttin in my two weeks soon...

Mar 20, 2008, 7:25 PM
i'm trying to tell yah and they have these people here that are supposed to be helping us instead they are ignoring our questions talkin bad about our team leads and just chillin like they are on vacation i told my gyrl that if they com at me with sumthin i am just gonna trip out and prolly get put on a final or just walk out tha door..i dont even know what they are here for they know about as much as we do..

Mar 20, 2008, 2:44 PM
I'm always getting dinged for something that used to be policy but changed however they haven't advsied anyone yet.

Mar 20, 2008, 7:31 PM
i completely feel ya there! they are always changing things left and right on what we do and dont do. so are u saying we now have to add an upgrade fee when we activate a used phone for a customer? wtf? i am still on premiere/p2k but our conversion has begun to ensemble and im just waiting to go thru that fun training. but i agree. sprint needs to be accurate with what the tell their employees! sups also have a bad habit of reading or not reading their emails. im quit friendly with most of the sups here at my center and lucky for me, have several fill me in since i tend to get the worse sups for my own. i know they have the motherload of work, but man. this is why agents should also have access to all important email!

Mar 20, 2008, 7:34 PM
well i went through the training recently and as far as im aware we have to add on the act fee or upgrade fee manually and then if we want to adj it there is a special code that we apply but i can always check on the esn swap...its just a little grey in that area b/c a cust is not getting a new activ on an esn swap so we would have to apply it then credit it if that is the case..which is completely redundant b/c we should just leave it off but i can check in kms for you

Mar 20, 2008, 7:59 PM
now i cant speak for other depts i can only say what i was told from my sup and quality that pertains to national sales support.. but with the new QAM forms everyones getting porked in the butt..

Mar 20, 2008, 8:11 PM
you are not joking pass or fail... i dont always have to go into kms but now if i sound iffy about my info or if it is even the slightest off of kms we fail our calls.. they are gettin us with no lube or a reach around..

Mar 20, 2008, 8:18 PM
EXACTLY... im going job hunting tomorrow.. and if they dont change things by the time i find another job and give my 2 weeks here, yep im gone!.

Mar 20, 2008, 8:19 PM
also i blame us as reps for complaining about the gray area, how one quality person would say your calls are great the other would be more strict... well look what THAT got us 🙄

Mar 21, 2008, 11:53 AM
i never really did get that. do u all have the qa people now in ur center like we do? and the screen shots now? well good thing we are able to go onto phone scoop! lol. i dont have my elids still and so not all my tech kms solutions are accessable to me. luckily i have been in a bgn/cust service split so i havent really needed access to them yet, but i will soon enough! but try to fail on something whacky and then u cant find this so called kms solution. seriously.. do they just make these things up?
Donna FireHammer

Mar 20, 2008, 8:22 PM
I don't care about quality cuz its a total catch 22. I just do what I can do. I feel they don't pay us to really help when there are all these lame and nonsense policies that we are supposed to follow but aren't guided as to how to follow them.
I totally feel for you on this one. I've known about it I just never do it b/c it is stupid and drives my aht up.
I am taking a pay cut and having to pay a cell bill now cuz I will be getting away from this "evil" (good one) when school starts in aug.
I feel for you but all I can say is better luck next time 😕

Mar 20, 2008, 8:24 PM
maybe they will figure it out when all their employees finally have enough and quit and corporate big wigs have to take the calls themselves!
Donna FireHammer

Mar 20, 2008, 8:29 PM
ha ha ha true!
I just had that new quality form training today and let me tell you, i am only doing the bare minimum and if a customer is rushing me to escalate i WILL tell them...
i'm sorry mrs/mr customer but i must first attempt to de-escalate the call so i don't have an auto fail on my quality.
HA! Ding me for that! 😈

Mar 20, 2008, 8:38 PM
thats the one part i like, they want to speak to a supervisor we say " i would be happy to get a sup for you" would you please hold while i get one. lol i mean if we can fix the issue great, but we dont push back if they wanna escalate.

Mar 20, 2008, 8:51 PM
yea thats always nice as an agent but i take sup calls and im a jerk i always make agents deescalate their calls and hey hate me for it...but thats apart of doing your job..i always get the but they asked for a sup...and i say well offer them this and ask if they still wanna talk to me most of the time they dont..alot of issues agents can handle but are too damn lazy to..anyways im off of work im out!
Donna FireHammer

Mar 20, 2008, 8:51 PM
I was just told fatal error if they ask and we don't give a de-escalate attempt with our wonderful scripting of "I can help you with your concerns. or Please allow me to assist you. or I'm empowered and have the resources needed to resolve your issues. or I'm highly trained to handle whatever issues you may be having. or If I cannot resolve your issue, I will be happy to seek further assistance for you."
what ev! 😡 😛

Mar 20, 2008, 8:54 PM
That's a bit out of wack. Just because a customer asks for a supervisor does not mean the rep hasn't done their job. In the end, if they ask for a supervisor you can't go 'f you'. Now I understand a Rep not doing their job, or extending an offer via the rep before taking the call on the first attempt. As you say reps aren't their job, dont forget that as a supervisor, it's also your job to take escalated calls. 🙂

Mar 20, 2008, 9:33 PM
haha see theres another example of one person being told one thing another person being told another, i had my training last week and she said that if the cust escalates, we are to say i'd be happy to get a supervisor for you. but while waiting for one if we can fix the issue great if not,, we are not supposed to push back at all, like before we'd have to say well i can do this, or sure but there will be a wait.. or blah blah blah....

Mar 20, 2008, 10:59 PM
We generally use the 2 rule. 1st time, try to de-escalate, 2nd time, it goes to a sup. 🙂 Of course, we're not under the same quality guidelines, but, 😎

Mar 21, 2008, 4:06 AM
i love that about where i'm at. if mr custy askes for sup we say, please hold for 1-2 min while i xfer you. nothing else.
Donna FireHammer

Mar 21, 2008, 8:00 PM
well then I wanna come work wher you do! 😉

Mar 21, 2008, 2:20 PM
As a sup we are to take the calls we can not deny an escalation but the only thing is that a rep can and will be able to deescalate the call most of the time..but there is situations where a custie is absolutley nuts and we have to take the call and they end up hanging up on us or going to cxnl but honestly alot of issues a rep can handle and at least in my center they just dont care to...

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