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stupid little kids.


Feb 6, 2007, 9:21 PM

so the store was dead and i decided to fix all of the phone displays. to my dismay, a little after my cleaning escapade, two little teenyboppers come strutting in as if they swear theyre going to do business with us. i ask if they need any help and they say theyre just looking. and OF COURSE they tour the whole store looking at the phones, moving all of the phones that i had JUST fixed saying stupid remarks about which phone they liked and "which one do you like, the RAZR or KRZR" they leave the store and the tornado has passed. why do these little girls even come in without their mommies and daddies? go back to cheerleading practice.

oh wait.. so get this...

this little 11 year old boy comes in and picks up the motorola...

Feb 6, 2007, 9:23 PM
sounds so familiar, as if i was there...... 😉

Feb 6, 2007, 9:26 PM
You beat them mercilessly, right?

Feb 6, 2007, 9:31 PM
She went around the counter and I just hopped straight on over 😉

Feb 6, 2007, 10:16 PM
We had one of those little 2 year olds in today that was going around taking the pegs off the wall and thowing it on the floor. i didnt mind though cuz his mom kept bending over to pick the stuff up and she had ass for days!!!

Feb 6, 2007, 10:18 PM
weeks... MONTHS.. YEARS!!!! hahaha

Feb 6, 2007, 10:21 PM

Feb 7, 2007, 12:59 PM
itsLACY_thanks said:

so the store was dead and i decided to fix all of the phone displays. to my dismay, a little after my cleaning escapade, two little teenyboppers come strutting in as if they swear theyre going to do business with us. i ask if they need any help and they say theyre just looking. and OF COURSE they tour the whole store looking at the phones, moving all of the phones that i had JUST fixed saying stupid remarks about which phone they liked and "which one do you like, the RAZR or KRZR" they leave the store and the tornado has passed. why do these little girls even come in without their mommies and daddies? go back to cheerleading practice.

oh wait.. so get this...

this little 11 year o

Feb 7, 2007, 5:39 PM
You know what the REALLY sad part is? Most of the kids that come in here with their parents actually know how to use the phone better than their stupid parents.

The ultimate is when mom or dad is trying to be a stuffy know-it-all to me, like I'm trying to rape them in the billing aspect, and after i make the sale, little timmy has to teach dad how to check his voicemail. 🙄

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