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Alright then, why hasn't it been reported on?


Jun 28, 2010, 1:27 PM
Out of curiosity? Apple sells 17 million phones in three days and you don't say anything about it?

I guess this is the wrong forum to bring it up though. Any non-harmful information about Apple should be brought up on other websites.

You guy's will report the antenna issues post-haste though.

It's hard to miss the condescending attitude toward Apple on this website, but out of curiosity... why?

Jun 28, 2010, 1:48 PM
Believe it or not Phonescoop hasn't drank the iPhone Steve Jobs Koolaide like you myfriend. iPhone 4 is a phone that is nothing new. Europeans have had most of these features for years!

Jun 28, 2010, 2:30 PM
Dude, do you read the whole site...man, look at the news page...
Rich Brome

Jun 28, 2010, 11:39 PM
First, it's 1.7 million, not 17 million. Big difference. 1.7 million is still extremely impressive, but it's not 17 million.

The reason is that we try to report more on things that are relevant to consumers. So if there's a problem with a phone - or some amazing new technology - we're going to report on it, because that's relevant to someone in the market for a new phone.

But the fact that a certain phone is really popular or a certain company had a good (or bad) quarter is not the kind of thing you'll see us report on as often, because it's just not relevant to consumers.

The fact that the iPhone is popular is not, in itself, a valid reason to buy it.

The popularity of the iPhone is relevant to Apple investors, but we're not a f...

Jun 29, 2010, 9:38 AM
🤣 You told Him Rich!
Rich Brome

Jun 29, 2010, 9:52 AM
Thanks, although I wasn't going for a smack-down. If it came off defensive, I apologize to the original poster.

We don't have "mission statement" anywhere explaining these things, so I thought it was a valid question and a good opportunity for me to explain a bit of our editorial philosophy.

Jun 30, 2010, 3:50 PM
liked it, precise and to the point!!

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