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Verizon: Guilty of Union-busting?


May 19, 2005, 1:34 PM
Unions are for weak people that need the union to boost them up. The only people at VZW that would want a union would be people that are just there to punch the clock and go home.

No union for me, ever.

May 19, 2005, 7:41 PM
Vatothe0 said:
Unions are for weak people that need the union to boost them up. The only people at VZW that would want a union would be people that are just there to punch the clock and go home.

No union for me, ever.

Sooooo true!!!

Our standard benefits are far superior than the benefits given to those who are unionized at Cingular.

May 19, 2005, 9:02 PM
i700brm said:
Vatothe0 said:
Unions are for weak people that need the union to boost them up. The only people at VZW that would want a union would be people that are just there to punch the clock and go home.

No union for me, ever.

Sooooo true!!!

Our standard benefits are far superior than the benefits given to those who are unionized at Cingular.

I guess only Anti-union beliefs are supported on this website?
My prounion response to Vatothe0's insulting remarks towards union members was erased.
How comforting.
But, hey guys, if you don't want to be part of a union, then don't. However that doesn't give you the right to insult union members because of your bel...

May 20, 2005, 5:51 AM
In my experience with unions in the past they really serve no purpose for anyone who is willing to work hard. They do however allow many "clock punchers" to keep there jobs when they are not performing up to the companies expectations. It really made me mad in the past when I would see a guy get fired for lack of performance, and within a week or two the union would get him his job back. That is BS, the situations I am refering to the people really did dserve to be fired. That is my opinion of unions.

VZW does already have better everthing than our union card carrying counter-parts at Cingular. So why would be ever want to have a union? So that we cab get less??

May 20, 2005, 7:11 AM
I was talking to my friend that works at UPS and he was saying that it makes him sick how the union lets people who are lazy and unreliable keep their jobs. If a company that is in such an aggressive market like cellular goes union productivity would absolutly slump. I know that if I didn't HAVE to hit my numbers to keep my job I wouldnt try as hard to hit them. I am very likely going to get fired for not hitting my numbers but I am ok with that because if I can't do the job correctly then I don't deserve to have it.

May 20, 2005, 4:42 PM
TommyBoy said:
I was talking to my friend that works at UPS and he was saying that it makes him sick how the union lets people who are lazy and unreliable keep their jobs. If a company that is in such an aggressive market like cellular goes union productivity would absolutly slump. I know that if I didn't HAVE to hit my numbers to keep my job I wouldnt try as hard to hit them. I am very likely going to get fired for not hitting my numbers but I am ok with that because if I can't do the job correctly then I don't deserve to have it.

What the hell are you talking about? Cingular's union won't do ANYTHING for people who don't keep their stats up to par. They won't do anything for people with poor attendence e...

Jun 11, 2005, 2:23 AM
I was pro-union until I became a shop steward when I was in college. Then I saw unions for what they are. I was asked to set up management to break a part of the contract so that a grievance could be filed. No thanks, unions have the ethics of the devil. Mob rule seemed good on the streets of St. Petersburg in 1917 but the end was a powerful nation run by mobsters. (the USSR for non history buffs)
That is exactly what unions are, mob rule. During the depression many non union companies responded to hard times by reducing hours across the board and keeping everyone employed while the unionized companies layed off thousands because contracts stated that union members work 40 hour weeks. Which companies were for the common man?
I'll admit t...

Jun 11, 2005, 10:39 AM
SPCSVZWJeff said:
Why would anyone care about the union if you can get a better deal without it? It beats paying union dues to earn less.

More importantly, why would anyone accept a 3rd party as their legal intermediary with their employer? Crazy. I understood it before we had labor laws, but now unions just serve to satisfy the greed of the majority.

An interesting side note about wal-mart. Apparently they take out life insurence policies on all of their employees that pay out to the corporation, this way if any of their workers die, wal-mart gets a nice little pay off.

Kinda twisted.

May 20, 2005, 11:21 AM
Also, if unions are so great, why are you REQUIRED to join? I once worked for a security company and was forced to join a union. I got paid $8.50 an hour and no benefits. What an awesome union. Glad I'm paying dues for that.

I never said members of unions are weak, just people that are pro-union.

May 20, 2005, 4:50 PM
Vatothe0 said:
Also, if unions are so great, why are you REQUIRED to join? I once worked for a security company and was forced to join a union. I got paid $8.50 an hour and no benefits. What an awesome union. Glad I'm paying dues for that.

I never said members of unions are weak, just people that are pro-union.

Actually, you said that unions are for weak people.
And in response, I will say that anti-union people are a herd mentallity and prefer just to swallow the company line.

On to the next point.
If you were stupid enough to work for a company that forced you to join a union with no benefits, then that is on YOU. By the way, that security job would pay you about 6.50 if not for the union keepi...

May 21, 2005, 4:44 PM
youre not required to join it depends on what state you live in . I work in ky and youre not requred to join the union .Its by choice, and its not the unions fault you dint get benifits that was a ****ty job . Most security people are luck to make 6.00 an hour

Jun 13, 2005, 2:18 PM
that was just a poor union. i was never REQUIRED to join a union. i always had a choice

May 20, 2005, 12:11 PM
Al_Swearengen said:
i700brm said:
Vatothe0 said:
Unions are for weak people that need the union to boost them up. The only people at VZW that would want a union would be people that are just there to punch the clock and go home.

No union for me, ever.

Sooooo true!!!

Our standard benefits are far superior than the benefits given to those who are unionized at Cingular.

I guess only Anti-union beliefs are supported on this website?
My prounion response to Vatothe0's insulting remarks towards union members was erased.
How comforting.
But, hey guys, if you don't want to be part of a union, then don't. However that doesn't give you the right to

May 20, 2005, 7:21 PM
bigdaddyjay said:
Al_Swearengen said:
i700brm said:
Vatothe0 said:
Unions are for weak people that need the union to boost them up. The only people at VZW that would want a union would be people that are just there to punch the clock and go home.

No union for me, ever.

Sooooo true!!!

Our standard benefits are far superior than the benefits given to those who are unionized at Cingular.

I guess only Anti-union beliefs are supported on this website?
My prounion response to Vatothe0's insulting remarks towards union members was erased.
How comforting.
But, hey guys, if you don't want to be part of a union, then don't. Howev

May 24, 2005, 12:13 AM
I've worked for both Verizon and now Cingular. They are definately against Unions, I remember they would put out a statment every so often on how Verizon dosen't need unions and how they work against you. If that is not union busting I don't know what is. BTW- I work in a non-union Cingular call center and I get a free phone (that is usage and a phone) and I don't have to worry about paying bills or needing medical. 😁

Jun 9, 2005, 9:38 AM
I don't know about pay, but my benefits at Cingular are better than ANYTHING in the area. If I got paid $25 an hour it wouldn't make up the difference in savings I get on my medical, dental, and vision.

And for the record, you don't have to join the union to work at Cingular or pay the dues. It's an option in my location and you get the same pay rates and benefits regardless of whether or not you join.

Jun 13, 2005, 2:30 PM
and too add on to Hillary's message. even if your not a member the union will still stick up for you against the company

Jun 13, 2005, 2:23 PM
I takled to my brother who still works at VZW and found that VZW pays 30% more on average and has a bonus program for it's CS reps while Cingular reps are making less and paying dues to a Union that can't negotiate a contract near what VZW already has for their employees.
There is no need at VZW for a Union and the people working there have voted it out and good for them, what is the Union going to do for them? They already make the highest average income in the wireless industry and have better STI and LTI benefits.
I'm sure VZW will come out on top of this and there will be a bunch of idiots defending their reason for signing a letter that contained many false allegations. This is the 21st century and Unions aren't needed here!
Last but...

May 20, 2005, 8:43 AM
I can see valid points for both sides of the argument. Unions were first established under the premise of protecting an employees rights. The worst part of a union to me is that bad workers can get away with being unproductive. I am no expert on unions but I have worked for them many years ago. At that time they did pay better and had better benefits. Many things have changed including laws to protect employees rights so some of the benefits of unions have been diminished

May 20, 2005, 12:13 PM
Don't forget that VZW employees are making more than their Unionized counterparts at Cingular. Why unionize when you are alrready ahead of the best the Union is offering??

May 20, 2005, 6:52 PM
its boils down to this, why get a union for a company who already watches out for the interest of their employees?

A union is not needed in VZW because we already make more(hourly and commission)....funny thing, i make more part time in sales at VZW, than full time @ Cing.... than the people in unions in our industry, we already get better benefit packages( i'm part time right now so i can go back to school, and i do pay some for them but they are pretty much the same as my BCBS) does Cing offer PT benefits or even school reimbursment?, and the company is quite fair when it comes to diabilities and all. If someone can help me out on the numbers here, but isn't it VZW that when they moved their two call centers in the NY/NJ area to NC, ...

Jun 13, 2005, 2:33 PM
does Cing offer PT benefits or even school reimbursment?

Cingular does off the same.

May 21, 2005, 4:40 PM
keep saying that and then when the man walks in to your place of work and shuts it down without any notice you WILL say damn i wish we were in the union so i could have gotten at least 90 days notice to get another job !!!!!

p.s verizon is union in my state of West Virginia

May 21, 2005, 5:14 PM
What would keep Verizon from firing all the union workers? The same "Man" could do the same thing to you. There's also no reason to fire a bunch of people where I work. There's alomost always a class of 40 people coming in to start new every few weeks.

May 23, 2005, 2:46 PM
because a non union company does not have to give as much notice to close or layoff people as they would to a union company with us (union ) they have to give 6months notice if they express any interest in closing the center or laying people off ! also we have a training class of 96 people every 6 weeks to keep our center staffed which averages about 1000 people

Jun 20, 2005, 3:10 AM
unions are great if you live in the 1800 and work in a textile mill or steel factory...why would you need a union in a cell phone store? i mean i understand its harsh conditions in a cell phone store...the AC is on...Anti Fatigue carpeting...ergonomic keyboards...flat panel lcd monitors...highest wages in the industry...god horrible conditions LETS GO UNION!!!! hahahahahaha...damn pikers (watch boiler room if you dont know what a piker is)

May 20, 2005, 9:20 PM
Ahhh... tough subject here gang.

I can't speak towards the reference to a possibility that 2 people were fired for trying to join a union. Seems a bit silly though. In order for 2 people (or 1!) to get fired, there has to be some sort of extensive documentation on the employee warranting that - I can assure you that our HR department is overly paranoid about firing people and risking lawsuits. I'd be willing to bet that these 2 folks didn't have "clean slates." Otherwise, imagine that conversation... we're letting you go... why, I'm doing a great job and have never done anything wrong... well that's all fine and good, but we can't have you talking up a union in here! I can testify that VZW has great benefits and great pay, and any un...

May 20, 2005, 11:58 PM
Some previous employees of Verizon have started suits feeling the Verizon is anti-union. The fact is that Verizon does make make union options and information available. There are only about 60 employees out of 50,000 that have chosen union representation. I have done the research and have chosen otherwise.
Example 1: the union contract requires a 5% annual raise. Verizon offers 6% already.
Example 2: union represented employees are not elig for career progression according to CWA contract. This means that as a CSR I can start out as a rep and move to a senior rep or coordinator every 9 months. Each step is another 6% raise (approx). They also don't get a yearly Short Term Incentive (STI) performance bonus that can be several thou...

May 22, 2005, 9:45 PM
union busting, what company isnt. Look at John Tyson, and everyone knows of Tyson foods, they bust the union every chance they get, their slogan, feeding you like family, well, just dont forget you checkbook at home, or you may be eating with the dogs.....The story is, no company wants a union, they all will try to stop it or discourage it.

Jun 5, 2005, 12:55 AM
I can tell you I will quit the day VZW goes union...THey give me so much and only ask for me to come to work do my best and be nice....for that I make more money then GOD, get all the overtime I want, great benefits ( i just got new glasses and for the exam and new glasses it cost me 19.60 with taxes) all the time off I could need, etc etc etc etc so bring on the union we will stand LOUD and PROUD that we don't want a UNION EVER!!!!! and to my cingular counterparts sorry...wisit the web site were always hiring

Jun 9, 2005, 1:52 PM
Former Cingular employees are just as welcome to switch over as Cingular customers. haha

Jun 9, 2005, 2:06 PM
There was a time and a place for Unions in America, prior to the Anti-trust act, prior to key labor laws that improved working conditions, and prior to established minimum wages. But in the past three decades union has been more of a hinderance than a help ... just look at the recent need for Japanese auto maker Toyota having to raise there prices for all Americans simply because GM and their union labor force failed to be competitive. In the end something has to give in this era of global competition, and in this case, the inequities involved with overpriced and under producing union workers cost 25,000 union jobs at GM. OUCH!!

Jun 9, 2005, 3:29 PM
Take it from someone who knows the injustice first hand....DONT EVER SWITCH TO A UNION ! ! ! ! ! every anti-union post on this thread is true. we are the worst paid work force in cellular. and we pay people (CWA) to make us this way!!!!! We are freakin Idiots..... but they have us by the B@!!$ with a new 4 year contract...dont do it......

Jun 24, 2005, 9:42 PM
Too bad verizon doesnt need a union. Great pay, excellent and generous benefits, and fair treatment. Verizon gives a fair representation of the potential short-falls of unions---just because you have one doesn't mean you automatically get better pay. having a union means you're represented and the company HAS to at least negotiate. they dont have to agree to anything. To get a union, 30% of the employees have to sign a card for there to even be a vote! IF there are 50% that have signed, and there is undeniable PROOF that the company has taken inappropriate actions to keep unions out, they can potentially skip the vote and automatically unionize. i think if we felt we were being treated poorly, we would unionize.

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