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I f@*king hate the i-phone


May 22, 2010, 7:32 PM
I'm sorry but its driving me nuts. at least 6 times a day i get " I herd your getting it in June " .I got called a a@@ hole last night cause i told him I honestly don't know ( and I don't ) I'm not that privileged to know,i freekin' work in the mall. so please stop asking, if it comes to verizon I'm sure they will make a big deal about it so just hold on and stop asking us reps.
thank you,

May 22, 2010, 7:35 PM
i agree it's getting a little ridiculous. i mean i am in the industry and i don't know as many rumors as some of these tech nerds that come in the store. i always tell them you know more then i do so when you hear something why don't you stop by and let me know.

May 22, 2010, 11:34 PM
Nice! You know ate that ish up! He no doubt already feels superior to you because he knows everything about his one phone. Your expressing what he already believes, leaves him with a smug sense of satisfaction.

May 22, 2010, 7:39 PM
When is verizon getting the IPHONE??? I have an IPAD, IMAC and an IPOD and a cut out card board of Steve Jobs but I really really want the IPHONE it's the greatest phone in the WORLD!!! Anyone?

May 22, 2010, 7:52 PM

May 22, 2010, 8:46 PM
I wanna cardboard cutout....mwaaaaahhhhhhh!

May 22, 2010, 11:36 PM
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

You are so wrong for that. Leave Scott alone.

May 22, 2010, 7:53 PM
Well the good news for you is that verizon won't be getting it for a long time. The elephant in the room for verizon is they don't have nearly the actual number of towers that AT&T does because CDMA travels further. People want to complain about AT&T bandwith? VZWs network would be crippled with people who suddenly have the highest quality experience combined with the easiest experience. Have fun selling more of the env3.

May 22, 2010, 8:33 PM
CDMA travels further AND can handle more users per tower, AND they have quite a bit of backhaul.

Not to mention that the pesky lack of Data+Voice means that it will be a lot harder for the devices to overload the network.

And if you saw last quarter's sale numbers, you would know that the phone driving sales atm Also has a webkit browser and it's also insanely simple to use (and in many ways easier to consume heavy data for the non tech savvy)

You knew enough to know about ATT's tower count. Go back and hit the books about Verizon and CDMA tech now

May 22, 2010, 8:56 PM
One quarter of positive sales for VZW on smartphones does not a hit to the network make. Even though CDMA is able to handle more per tower the sheer volume that at&t has comparatively is staggering. With current iPhone customers experiencing 7.2 download speeds comparatively to whack evdo even if somebody does switch to vzw they will immediately notice a huge difference in data speeds. At&t should run a map campaign showing the difference in data speed. Oh and as far as webkit browser.....yeah.......might as well get two strings and tie them together.

May 22, 2010, 9:02 PM
Seriously, you should try it.

First of all, 7.2 is max speed, not average speed. and for people getting those speends, there are people stuck on edge, or people with full bars 3g and they can't get online.

ATT tried running ads pointing about speed. They failed. In case you missed it, ATT's ad company sucks.

And Verizon's smartphone sales have been increasing for years.

Agent Smith, you should really just stop talking. Throwing out att talking points is nice and all. but if I wanted to know the company line I would ask the company.

May 22, 2010, 11:44 PM
Menno, you are becoming razor-tongued these days. You're not still in sales are you? Time away from the masses is supposed to calm you. I think you should restrict your time spent on this forum. These users are annoying you.

May 22, 2010, 11:51 PM
I'm frustrated because people are stupid and will fight tooth and nail for the "right" to remain stupid.

No, I'm not in sales, I'm in a F*&)( dead end job with a manager who can't get his S&^ together so he cuts what pathetic hours and wages he gives me so he can still afford to buy his new car,

May 22, 2010, 11:39 PM
Damn, Menno! Don't hurt him! No mas! No mas!

May 22, 2010, 10:24 PM
Actually, both Verizon & Sprint each handle more data traffic then AT&T.

http://erictric.com/2010/04/13/verizon-wireless-and- ... »

May 23, 2010, 2:23 PM
just so you know i haven't sold a env3 in about two months..all everybody wants is android, blackberry, and palm. as for your network statements, maybe do some research. you do know there are people that work at vzw here right?

May 23, 2010, 5:04 PM

You "haven't sold a env3 in about two months" for one basic reason. Verizon's reclassification of the enV2 as a "feature phone" as of January 18th. They now were able to rape subscribers by requiring an unneccesary, unwanted and overpriced $9.99 per month data plan.

May 23, 2010, 9:50 PM
Point taken. So Verizon is not selling $9.99 data plans but instead they are selling $29.99 data plans and that is failure? If the $9.99 mandatory data plan did not drive the customers away it sounds like the corporate guys at VZW won.

May 24, 2010, 11:34 AM
I haven't sold any in months simply because of the Env3's tired, old, ready-to-move-on-now physical format. In the 3G Multimedia category, we started selling Samsung Rogue (and now Reality) at a pace of about ten to one. And that was before Incredible and a recent surge in smartphones.

May 24, 2010, 5:14 PM
yup same here, they just want more from the divice. works for me.

May 23, 2010, 5:36 PM
agentsmith67 said:
The elephant in the room for verizon is they don't have nearly the actual number of towers that AT&T does because CDMA travels further. People want to complain about AT&T bandwith? VZWs network would be crippled with people who suddenly have the highest quality experience combined with the easiest experience.

I'd have to say the REAL elephant in the room is:

How does the average iPhone consume LESS data than an Android phone running 2.1?

It doesn't!

While the App variety is different, it's hard to claim that Android 2.1 is inferior to the iPhone 3GS in ANY respect outside of app store selection. Even then, most of the great iPhone apps have nearly iden...

May 24, 2010, 10:57 AM
The point is Vzw is just now getting descent phones. The number of 2.1 android users is minuscule comparatively to iPhone. End of story.

May 24, 2010, 11:41 AM
And yet, Android started outselling the iPhone last quarter.

http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/05/10/googles-an ... »

And if I had five bucks for every time someone said "Verizon is just now getting decent phones," I'd have made a fortune over the seven years I've been working in this business. It seems that every time a "cool phone" hits some other carrier, that original carrier is "lame" until the next "cool phone" to hit the carrier, at which time the cycle begins all over again. Really, it's quite annoying.

And BTW:
agentsmith67 said:
The point is Vzw is just now getting descent phones.


1. the act, process, o...

May 24, 2010, 12:19 PM
agentsmith67 said:
The point is Vzw is just now getting descent phones. The number of 2.1 android users is minuscule comparatively to iPhone. End of story.

Meh- Verizon is irrelevant in the handset discussion, really. I'm talking about Android. The Evo and MyTouch Slide are every bit as much a part of this conversation as the Incredible. Great handheld devices are now available on airwaves for the 4 largest carriers in North America, and that's a good thing!

The Android ecosystem is adapting and advancing so rapidly that Cupertino is going to have a rough time keeping up, especially if they insist on limiting their target audience in teh United States to less than 1/3 of all wireless subscribers thr...

May 24, 2010, 12:50 PM
What about porn apps on Apple? No porn apps on Apple?

May 24, 2010, 12:57 PM
Never mind I just read all about it 🤣 what a control freak worse than I knew.

May 24, 2010, 4:52 PM
Yes, I do wish Android had some better form of parental controls. I don't need Steve Jobs telling me what I can do on my phone, but I'd better **** well be able to watch my children's every move!

May 26, 2010, 10:55 PM
agentsmith67 said:
The number of 2.1 android users is minuscule comparatively to iPhone.

http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/Android-grabs-North- ... »

http://developer.android.com/resources/dashboard/pla ... »

Huh, imagine that! Until I saw those graphs next to each other, I would have agreed with your statement that 2.1 handsets were dwarfed by iPhones in North America. Talking strict numbers, we would have 10.7 mil iPhones against 3.3 mil 2.1 handsets (37% of 8.7 mil) but in the United States, the big player in Android is Verizon, and probably better then 95% Verizon's users have 2.1 onboard (I'm sure the six people who bought t...

May 27, 2010, 8:34 AM
The numbers don't look good for Apple's market share. I honestly believe that the longer Apple keeps a phone off of Verizon, the faster their market share (as well as RIM) will erode. A year from now, we could easily see Android top in market share, Apple second, RIM third, and the rest at the bottom of the barrel.

May 28, 2010, 11:49 PM
epik said:
The numbers don't look good for Apple's market share. I honestly believe that the longer Apple keeps a phone off of Verizon, the faster their market share (as well as RIM) will erode. A year from now, we could easily see Android top in market share, Apple second, RIM third, and the rest at the bottom of the barrel.

I think it was one of the writers on TechCrunch who wrote up his thoughts on that and made more sense than anything else I've seen. I'm too lazy to look up the article now

He basically said that Apple has to decide between market share and super-high profitability. They made that decision for Mac many, many years ago and while Macintosh is still a slim fraction of all the persona...

May 22, 2010, 11:30 PM
Your estimation of the average American's IQ will decrease by five for every year you deal with the public.

May 23, 2010, 2:11 PM
in retail about 15 years.. in cell phones 8...so its pretty low lol

May 23, 2010, 2:52 PM
Anything else is all rumor and speculation *UNTIL* Official sources say otherwise.

Friend of a friend working on CDMA iPhone... buddy of a pal working on the Advertising plan... someone I know from a local bar ordered 500million CDMA iphones...

Where's the proof?

That's right... there is none. Yet it is provable that no iPhone until 2012 - until that's changed officially, what else is there to say?

Fan-bois have been proclaiming the year of VZW iPhone since 2007 and it hasn't happened yet...

May 24, 2010, 11:44 AM
The first rumor I ever heard about an Apple phone was in 2006, which included an "It'll be on Verizon" addendum. It was from an Apple employee.

May 23, 2010, 5:35 PM
I would never use the device myself, but I love that they make other, better companies move at a faster pace.

May 24, 2010, 11:49 AM
This is what I tell people, more or less.

I hear those rumors every day, and every day at least one person asks me the same question. I can tell you honestly that I don't know of anything official. What you hear or read online is speculation, at best, sometimes by industry analysts, and more often by speculative sources. The reality is, if Verizon and Apple are going to launch an iPhone for Verizon, I'll find out about two to seven days before it launches. The people you deal with in the stores and online are the people with the loosest lips in the company, and time after time the company has learned that we're the worst at keeping secrets. So the simple solution is, don't tell the people at the front lines until absolutely necessary...

May 24, 2010, 3:40 PM
OK Epic nice canned response.

But just between me and you is verizon getting the IPHONE! 🤣

May 24, 2010, 5:20 PM

May 25, 2010, 1:47 PM
I can sum it up like this:

Why do you think they'd tell the company's best kept secrets to the schmucks working at the store?

May 24, 2010, 5:59 PM
That for a lot of of customers they are simply making small talk?

Yes, I'm aware there are the tech nerds who live and breath iPhone rumors but that's not most of Verizons customer base. It isn't like they seek you out just to pick your brain for any iPhone related info. It's just a common thread they can chat about while you process an upgrade/sell them a cover/review their bill with them.

I'm sick of being asked about the iPhone and disconnecting lines because of the iPhone, but give 'em a break. They don't deal with phones everyday.

May 24, 2010, 6:41 PM
I ask my customers what an iPhone can do that an Android can't. And if they come up with something, I prove them wrong. This not only keeps them with the company, but it makes me appear knowledgeable, and it sells phones! 😁

May 24, 2010, 7:11 PM
i don't mind them at all, i love talking phones. it was the guy that got mad cause he thought i was holding back info on him, thats what made me vent.

May 25, 2010, 2:02 PM
Last year I had a customer return a first-generation Storm because he read online that we were going to launch the Storm 2 within a week. When I told him that wasn't possible, he got upset with me and called me a liar. When I tried to reason with him that it wasn't possible because Verizon had not announced the phone, nor had they put any of my people through training on it yet, he raised his voice at me and told me I was trying to talk him out of returning the Storm so he'd get stuck with it (it was his 30th day on the 30 day return policy) while everyone else enjoyed a better phone. I returned it, and kept his number.

Four months later, the phone came out. FOUR. MONTHS.

So I called him to let him know it was finally out. He hun...

May 25, 2010, 5:58 PM
epik said:
That's ALMOST where we are RIGHT NOW, even without a confirmation.

I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Scott! Verizon is getting the IPHONE!

May 24, 2010, 9:16 PM
Yea! And we have porn APPS!

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