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Hey guys check this out! >>


Jul 18, 2008, 10:01 PM

Ok guys... I have been here (at Phonescoop) a long time. I have been in the wireless business for damn near 10 years.... and have decided to start a little website with some info that isn't normally covered anywhere at the moment.

I am going to use my knowledge and research skills to find you the best deals on cell phones out there. These "deals" will be updated weekly. I will be covering Tmo, Att, and Sprint. We don't have Verizon where I live so no VZW stuff at the moment. Alltel now added!

It'll probably be about a week before the site goes live....

I also intend to have some reviews of mobile programs, how to's (like getting out of contracts), and other misc stuff.

But like I said the main conte...

Jul 19, 2008, 11:31 AM
What application are you going to use for the site? Most offer RSS feeds so that would simplify notifying people of new deals.

If you need any advice/help as far as that is concerned I'll be happy to help you. I do a lot of webdesign, hosting and application development.


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