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Upgrade Recommendations please


Jul 15, 2008, 6:11 PM
I am due for an upgrade but am not sure what to get. I am looking for a bluetooth phone that has MP3 capabilities. I don't think I'm quite ready for the smartphones yet, but am not completely set against them. I do a fair amount of texting and spend many hours on the phone. I also live in, and visit, many low reception areas. I think my biggest concern at the moment is reception. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Jul 16, 2008, 9:13 AM
Are you in a hurry to get the upgrade? If you wait till Nov-Dec the merge between Alltel and Verizon should be complete. Then you would have a great range of phones to choose from of both companies.

Jul 16, 2008, 10:41 AM
You are assuming that the merger will b done by then. I highly doubt that will b the case. I use the ppc6800 and love it. wifi / evdo Rev A / and running win mobile 6.1

Jul 16, 2008, 3:42 PM
If you go with a smartphone, you'll have to change your plan to a Smart Choice pack. If you want to keep your current plan, there are plenty of phones out there that have what you're looking for.

I'd try the LG Scoop first. The QWERTY keyboard makes texting easy, plus it has a built-in MP3 player with 4GB expandable memory and 1.3MP camera with video capture.

If not the Scoop, the Moto ROKR Z6m and Samsung Hue are both good choices.

If you do go with a smartphone, I like the PPC8600, HTC Touch and the new Moto Q9.

Jul 16, 2008, 6:31 PM
Ok, first of all there are hardly any good non-smart phones that alltel carries. I know...I work for Alltel. If you do not go w a smartphone the only phones that I would recommend would be the ROKR or the Samsung Hue...the rest of them are gargage honestly. The Scoop is an average phone but I see alot of them coming back.
As far as smartphones go...the HTC's are good windows mobile phone but the reception on them are very weak. I only recommend the Blackberry Curve or the Blackberry 8830. Awesome phones and the best reception phones Alltel carries. Some ppl might argue here with me, but this is just what I see on a day to day basis and I work in a retail location. I hope this helps...

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