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The Wizards of Customer Care


Mar 22, 2006, 3:55 PM
Hey guys, I work at a corporate store, and I have been noticing how many people continue to call a direct dealer concerning the problems that need to be addressed by customer care. For some reason, there seems to be a great number of people who either don't know or for some reason are afraid to call customer care, and instead call a store to ask questions that we often cannot help them with.

For example, we get many calls concerning problems with their phones. As a direct dealer we really cannot do very much unless we can physically see the phone and test it in the store. Also we get a myriad of questions about specific details on their plans or billing. Again, at the store we have limited information regarding these issues, and the c...

Mar 22, 2006, 4:47 PM
In other words:

We really should only deal with corp stores and call CC when the corp store guys can't help. OK - call CC as our first choice - then only go to corp stores b/c they are more "free" and much more knowledgeable to help out a customer with a problem.

Thanks for clearing that up!

Mar 22, 2006, 10:28 PM
Out2L8 said:
In other words:

We really should only deal with corp stores and call CC when the corp store guys can't help. OK - call CC as our first choice - then only go to corp stores b/c they are more "free" and much more knowledgeable to help out a customer with a problem.

Thanks for clearing that up!

what makes you think the guys in cutomer care are not knowledgable? Why I have never called T-Mobile's customer care I have called VZW's and they know exactly what they are talking about, often moreso then the guy in the store. i dont see why t mo would be diff.

Mar 23, 2006, 9:31 AM
That wasn't my point. Of course I've always had very good (if not EXCEPTIONAL) support from CC. They are the first place that I go.

My point is that your post made it sound like there is absolutely no good reason for anyone to deal with a re-seller. Just stick with the corp stores and you will be much better off!!

Mar 23, 2006, 11:29 AM
That's the duality involved with being either a corp store or auth reseller... You can't have your cake and eat it too. The bummer is that people will sooner call your store for assistance because if you give them BS info they can come down there and scream their heads off! It's hard for them to drive from Gary, Indiana from Orlando, Florida to scream at someone face to face.

Sounds to me like the stores/kiosks should get use to the idea that because of over-saturation in the wireless market they'll have to realign the way employees spend time. Sixty percent customer service, forty percent sales. Sorry if that affects the bonus but...

Mar 23, 2006, 4:49 PM
nah, that's the customers, they figure they want to get support for something where they bought it. I dont think the general public gets the idea of a dealer will sell you the service and the service provider will actually support you from then on.

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