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Treo 650/Mac/tMobile


Feb 4, 2006, 11:06 AM
Before anyone says it, I know that this question belongs in the "manufacturers" forum, but I did post it there and drew no replies which is why I am trying here.

Has anyone used a GSM Treo 650 with tMobile and a MAC? If so, any opinions or info that you can share would be much appreciated.

I realize that the 650 is not native to tMobile but that I could get one flashed for use with them.

I currently use a Blackberry with my MAC and PocketMac software to sync my address book, iCal and Notes. This works well, but, with the possible shut down of Blackberry, plus the limitations of Blackberry's PDA functions, it makes me curious to see what else is available.

Thanks, Scott

Feb 4, 2006, 2:52 PM
Lookin for the same information. 🙂

Feb 4, 2006, 5:59 PM
In my experience, Palm OS gets along with macs far better then a blackberry, most java based phones and of course, anything on the Windows Mobile platform(shudder).

Depending on what version OS your computer is running, you should have at least some compatibility out of box with iSync. If not, www.markspace.com is where you can pick up "the Missing Sync" which is the bridge from macs to devices like PocketPCs, some Palms, and HipTop.

A great source for compatibility questions is over at

http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/isync/devices.html »

and of course

http://www.apple.com/support/isync/ »

Hope that helps

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