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2 year contract


Dec 16, 2005, 4:22 PM
Well, T-mobile has done what Ive been afraid they were going to do: they've gone over almost entirely to 2 year contracts on upgrades.

That pretty much kills my last reason to stay with them. Ive been increasingly dissatisfied with the service and especially the selection of phones.

The primary reason I stayed with them was because I was not thrilled with signing a 2 year contract with any company. Now it looks as if I'm going to have to.

I use too many minutes a month to make pre-paid a viable option.

I would gladly pay a slightly higher cost for the phone in favor of a 1 year contract.... instead my options are discounted greatly for 2 years or no discount for no contract.


Dec 17, 2005, 7:19 PM
You dont HAVE to sign a 2yr contract unless you want a better deal for the phone.
Sheesh! Just call customer care for the 1yr contract pricing.

Dec 19, 2005, 9:44 AM
Beginning December 16, one-year contracts for handset upgrades will no longer be available through My T-Mobile.

Handset upgrades through My T-Mobile will ONLY be offered with the following two pricing and contract options:

Dec 25, 2005, 8:00 PM
Verizon Wireless doesn't require 2 year contracts on upgrades, or on new activation. But certain promotional deals and NE2 require 2 year contracts. Verizon offers the best deals on the 2 year contracts, but if you want a 1 year contract, at least at corporate stores, they list the price with 1 year contracts too, which tend to be higher. If you have US Cellular in your market, you definitely don't want to go with them because 2 year contracts are mandatory. Some Cingular authorized agents allow 1 year contracts. Maybe corporate stores allow it too, but prices of the phones are higher on 1 year contracts. For the record, I'm on a 2 year contract. I'm not crazy about it, but if I had more money, I would go with a 1 year contract.
tmo briggs

Dec 29, 2005, 3:07 PM
PLEASE STOP WITH THE LIES!! There has been no such change to T-Mobile's upgrade program. If you have been with the company for 11 months or more you are entitled to the "SAME AS NEW" pricing for a 1 year extension. If you want "BETTER THAN NEW" pricing you have the "CHOICE" of extending for 2 years. And you also have the "CHOICE" of not extending your contract at all. If you want it for "FREE" then go to AMAZON!!

Dec 29, 2005, 11:38 PM
actually you dont get the "same as New" pricing. I just called yesterday, the price for the samsung t309 is free for new customers, however I have to pay $149 for one year upgrade and I get a $50 rebate.

Dec 30, 2005, 7:36 AM
liquid0715 said:
actually you dont get the "same as New" pricing. I just called yesterday, the price for the samsung t309 is free for new customers, however I have to pay $149 for one year upgrade and I get a $50 rebate.

you know I was just thinking about that the other day...My last position I was in when I worked at T-Mobile was retention...that was one of the most common reasons why someone threatened to cancel..."I"ve been a loyal customer for 15 years so why do I have to pay $100 for a phone some joe schmo can walk in off the street and get for free who has never been with you guys before" etc...

Especially when the deals come out through yahoo or amazon or inphonic when like you end up getting ...

Dec 30, 2005, 7:41 AM
....and it chopped off the last of my post lol...

I was using the 15 year customer thing as an example, people said that alot when I worked there..if they had been a customer for 2 years, it was 15 etc...

Plus I was going to say too, think of it like this...at least you have the option of a difference in pricing. You pay the company for their service, not for a free phone every year or two. Think about it this way, if you've had your cable at home for 5 years and your T.V. dies, at the end of the month you're still going to get your cable bill in full and they won't buy you a new new because you've been without your cable programming. Believe me too, some of these new phones now a days are just as much if not more than some T.V's.


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