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Nokia 6101 launch date is September 9th!


Aug 31, 2005, 7:17 PM
Just as the title says!

Sep 1, 2005, 11:37 AM
Well, I guess Tmo is getting closer to the mark. Where's the bluetooth? An EDGE phone yes but only class 6. When will we something a bit more saavy for us poor fools who want MORE!!!

Sep 1, 2005, 10:14 PM

Thats right. Make that the 12th. Pushed back 3 more days.. I guess they like releasing there phones on Mondays. 🙄

Sep 2, 2005, 1:33 AM
thats cool, it already mentions it on nokias website...

Sep 3, 2005, 1:43 AM
I'm getting the phone on Tuesday from the T-Mobile store near my house, 2 stores near my house told me they have the phone, but won't start selling them until Tuesday.

Sep 3, 2005, 9:04 PM
Since your getting the phone on tuesday. How much is the phone going for? I just want a heads up before tuesday i guess.

Sep 7, 2005, 5:47 AM
Is T-Mobile's 6101 going to be 900/1800/1900mz or 850/1800/1900mz?


Sep 7, 2005, 1:37 PM
850MHz, if I am not mistaken, since they are making agreements with some 850MHz carriers for roaming agreements.

Sep 7, 2005, 8:05 PM
I like how majority of the unlocked 6101's are not branded by any company-the only bad part is,is that they are 900/1800/1900mz.

I am a Cingular customer and I ordered my 6101 unlocked from Canada & the good news is,that it is 850/1800/1900mz,but the bad news is that it is branded thru Rodgers AT&T.

I wanted to know if they will have a unlocked unbranded 6101 with the frequency of 850/1800/1900mz soon? (will it be after it comes out to T-Mobile)? Or do you think the only way to get the 850mz version is by buying the branded ones?


(T-Mobile's 6101 coming out & Rodgers are 850/1800/1900mz)

Sep 7, 2005, 8:08 PM
I think you need to get one branded, since the unlocked and unbranded one's are only 900/1800/1900MHz. The one's that are 850MHz enabled are for the US carrier's and I think for Canada.

Sep 8, 2005, 10:17 PM
Got 20 of them in stock yesterday at my store. I've been playing with the live demo. Its an awesome phone!

Sep 8, 2005, 10:36 PM
is there any way to get one that works on Cingular? Also how can I get the T-Mobile logos and stuff off?

Sep 8, 2005, 10:54 PM
Basically, by buying an unlocked/unbranded version, but those versions are only 900/1800/1900MHz. 🙄 The T-Mobile and Cingular versions are 850MHz enabled.

Sep 9, 2005, 12:02 PM
dnbstyle29 said:

Thats right. Make that the 12th. Pushed back 3 more days.. I guess they like releasing there phones on Mondays. 🙄

Well, that STINKS! I have been waiting for the release of this phone since my sup first mentioned it to me MONTHS ago. And today (Sept 9th) is my birthday, too! I was so thrilled. I hate the A630. You'd think that since the phone is really NOT a flip, there'd be a way to lock the keypad the way you have with bar phones.

Sep 9, 2005, 12:53 PM
Happy Birthday. Look at it this way, all your birthday money will last until Monday now. It is a nice looking phone, but no BT.

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