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upgrade question and experience


Feb 10, 2004, 12:58 AM
Just wondering what others have experienced when trying to upgrade phones with T-Mobile. We have 2 phones and one Blackberry and spend about $250.00 with T-Mobile. At the end of our one year contract and i called and asked about an upgrade and specifically mentioned I was considering a switch to Cingular. The only deal they would give us was the very same price on V400's that new customers would receive. Not what i expected after spending $3000 with them over the last year. Should I be shocked or upset, or is that response from them normal??

Feb 10, 2004, 9:01 PM
At Customer Care we only have a limited discount on our phones that we can get. It's based on 2 factors: 1. How long since you activated/since last upgrade and 2. How much is your price plan.
There are a few problems with our upgrade program...
1. If you have a 19.99 rp but you still spend almost $100/mo because of overage charges and don't realize you can go to a different rate plan then you will get a bad price because of the amount of your rate plan.
2. We have a max discount on our phones. You could be with us for 5 years on a $99.99 rp and you still get that much of a discount.
Why our company allows this to happen...I don't know. All that I can say is that if you are satisfied with the service then why leave? To save a few ...

Feb 10, 2004, 11:10 PM
here's why...

generally when you see a "new customer price" on a phone, whoever sells you the phone is selling it below what they paid for it to get you to sign up. you're already a customer so if they gave you the phone for EVEN less than the new customer price, they'd be selling you a phone for WAY less than what they pay for it.. possibly a couple hundred dollars.. so basically what asking them is "since i've been a customer for so long, please give me a couple hundred dollars"

that's basically how companies look at it. it's unfortunate at best, but honestly.. the new customer price on that is a heck of a lot better than paying retail for it, which is what you'd have to do if you went anywhere else to get the phone... and if you s...

Feb 11, 2004, 2:30 AM
People don't realize that they are getting a mother of a deal on phone when they are a new customer. The company is subsidizing the actual cost of the phone when you first sign up, based on the prospect of a certain amount of money they will recieve from you monthly over however long you are with their service. When you first signed up T-Mobile was likely already several hundred dollars in the hole with you, depending on what kind of deal you got on your phones and handheld. I think T-Mobile is especially generous, considering they have some excellent rebates and only require one-year service agreements. If they are willing to give you the same deal for an upgrade that they would give to a new customer, that's actually pretty good. I th...

Feb 12, 2004, 5:28 PM
There are other things that factor into the upgrade program as well. First, our upgrade program doesn't include a rebate. Rebates are often not filled out correctly or not sent in at all, that means that a "free" phone after a $100 discount may actually end up costing the average customer $50. Most initial activations include rebates, which skews the pricing scheme quite a bit. I wish we had rebates too 😁 .

The wireless industry is also very low profit margin, and there is a large percentage of customers we lose money on because of the discounts we give for phones and for services. This certainly doesn't include you if you've had $3000 in payments, but we still need to create programs that include all of our customers.

Customers them...

Feb 12, 2004, 6:22 PM
😁 Well Said!

Jan 23, 2009, 10:17 AM
I see this thread is like 500 years old but, I just want to say that TMobile customer service and what they have been able to do for me over the past years is why I dont mind the contract extensions and or have a desire to switch carriers because of a better/lower price etc! I wil be a TMO customer for 4yrs str8 this Dec09' and have no plans of leaving.. Still waiting to do my FIRST uPgrade!!!

Jan 23, 2009, 10:22 AM
TMo could use some coverage uPgrading in our countryside abit and not just down the Interstates tho! But then again, I am surprised by some of the places I do recieve signal! It can sometimes be fun and or frustrating to find that one sq foot area 😉 where I can get at least one signal bar!!!

TMO customer going on 5years... WooHoo!

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