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Blackberry or G1


Jan 24, 2009, 8:19 AM
I now have the BB Curve and am thinking about switching to the G1. Any thoughts?

Jan 24, 2009, 9:06 AM
It depends upon what you're looking for out of a phone. Are you using any form of exchange or enterprise service? If so, the G1 is not capable of this... yet. And what is your primary email? With the G1, the GMail experience is awesome, but its not quite the same if you're using another IMAP/POP3 email. I use GMail for my primary so I switched to the G1, and I love it. I switched from a Curve, but I still own it, my wife is using now. The Blackberry OS is rock solid and gets waaaaaaaay better battery life than the G1. However, the web browser on the G1 is much better than Blackberry's. I also use the G1 for GPS services and also to watch movies and stuff like that on. Blackberry doesn't have GPS and its media player isn't as good for videos....

Jan 26, 2009, 8:03 AM
I can seriously see 😲 that i have a lot of catching uP to do to become knowledgable on todays phones, what they are for etc... Does one actually need the G3 service to be able to play the movies and or browsing the web and txtg/email?

See this is the reason for my 1st post about uPgrading for the first time... Yr reply here "smylax" is very informitive for me, i just need to have a plan for use I suppose! Duh.

I will just keep browsing and soaking it all in...

Jan 27, 2009, 9:44 AM
No, you don't need 3G. The 3G connection works much faster though. I downloaded a couple of benchmarking tools for the G1, and in 3G areas I was getting a downstream over 800kbps. That's faster than DSL light...
3G burns your battery A LOT faster than EDGE, so I know a lot of people who turn 3G off when they don't NEED that faster speed. In fact, I haven't run into a single owner of a Blackberry Bold that hasn't turned the 3G off, because Blackberry owners tend to want the longer battery life. Not such a big deal for me though, but I do miss the Curve's battery life...

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