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What does using an Unlocked phone entail?


Dec 14, 2007, 12:53 PM
I have seen "unlocked" phones mentioned a lot around the internet, and I understand what they are - phones that are not associated with any one service provider's network. I see on web sites where you can purchase unlocked phones that it lists the carriers for which it will work.

So my question is, if I'm a T-Mobile customer, I put my SIM card into an unlocked phone, and then what? Can I use all the features? I'm sure my existing voice plan would work, but if I had, say, the T-Mobile Web plan would I still be able to access web pages? Or is there any other kind of set up that needs to be done to get all the functions to work properly on T-Mobile's network? If so, is it something really technical or could anyone do it?


Dec 14, 2007, 1:04 PM
you would have to configure your phone to match up with t-mobiles network.

for instance, the mobile web will not work right off the bat, you will have to speak with tech support to configure it all.

The text will be the same way, the voice is set by the SIM. Once you have everything all set up, it will work like a charm.

BUT, exchanging this phone will be a problem, for you will have to go through the manufacturer, This entails sending your phone in and waiting for a repair. That sucks

Dec 14, 2007, 1:50 PM
Thanks so much for your reply!

you will have to speak with tech support to configure it all.

Do you mean T-Mobile tech support or tech support of the phone manufacturer? Would T-Mobile be cool with that, using a different phone on their network, and willing to give me the information I need?

Whatever set-up needs to be done, is it just something I could do on my own with no experience? Or does it require any special knowledge, skills, or equipment?

Dec 14, 2007, 5:22 PM
T-Mobile Tech care will set it up for you. T-Mobile doesn't mind if you use an unlocked phone on their network.

The only thing you would need to worry about is the T-Zones application. Everything else will work very smoothly.

Dec 14, 2007, 10:36 PM
As long as it is just a normal phone tech suport should be able to send the settings for t-mobile data and mms/sms to the phone as an automatic update.

Some PDA style phones may not be so easy to get the settings for and will have to be manualy entered.

And some phones will not work for data at all on other networks. Like the t-mobile sidekick , you cant use that for data on any other service provider but voice calls will work.

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