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Best Bluetooth headset from Nokia??


May 15, 2005, 10:21 PM
Could sombody explain me the differences between the Nokia Bluetooth headsets?? (and which is the best??)

I want something low profile.

and I want a Nokia, so I don't have to carry around 2 chargers..

(I have a Nokia 6230)

May 17, 2005, 8:09 AM
Mendel said:
Could sombody explain me the differences between the Nokia Bluetooth headsets?? (and which is the best??)

I want something low profile.

and I want a Nokia, so I don't have to carry around 2 chargers..

(I have a Nokia 6230)

could sombody help me out here?!?

May 17, 2005, 9:07 AM
I don't know... I have a moto bt headset... I would say ask Ken but he has not been on here in a while.

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