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Text Messaging


Jan 2, 2005, 1:53 PM
Will Cingular be offering any new text messaging packages?

Jan 2, 2005, 1:55 PM
I would assume so eventually but any information beyond that will be just guesswork or hearsay until an official launch.

Jan 2, 2005, 2:01 PM
Thanks. 🙂

Jan 2, 2005, 2:41 PM
Is there something wrong with the packages currently offered?

What exactly are you looking for?

Jan 2, 2005, 8:34 PM
Well right now i have the MEdia works package because i get the most messages with it (1500). Id rather just get a package for only text messages because i dont really use the mms, or the internet on my phone, but the most i can get is in a text only package is 750 messages and i need more than that.

Jan 4, 2005, 5:24 PM
ive been looking for a new text messaging package since ive gotten the cingular service in april.

i have the MEdia works package too... i use ALL 1500 messages plus another 1000 on top of that.. yeah... $30.00 for overage per month on average. i love the coverage and the wireless internet... i really want EDGE on my V600, but im waiting for the new moto phone to come out so i can upgrade. but yeah, a MEdia works package with unlimited text messages would be nice... the whole unlimited internet thing is cool too since i use like 3-4MB/mo of that. yay for POP3 email access!

do you know if theyre coming out with anything like that?

Jan 4, 2005, 7:05 PM
No, but that would be great. Maybe someone else knows

Jan 4, 2005, 9:22 PM
does anybody know what cingular really charges for AOL Instant Messenger? I saw on the website that you pay only for the messages, but I talked to a cingular cs rep and i was told that we pay for messages and w/e aol charges cingular. if somebody could clear this up for me i'd really appreciate it.

Jan 4, 2005, 10:00 PM
You only pay for the message as if it were a regular text message... I have no clue why the rep would have told you that.

Jan 5, 2005, 7:18 AM
thanks a lot

Jan 5, 2005, 9:02 AM
another question, if we were to get a media or text message package, would it be shared between our whole plan or just for the line that orders it?

Jan 5, 2005, 9:57 AM
It is just on the line that orders it. Sorry.

Jan 5, 2005, 6:38 PM
if you have the MEdia works package that i have, the messages actually dont come out of your text messages, they use the wireless web data feature with a program that you can download to your phone for free from cingular.

if you just use your AIM with texts... then yeah, they come out of texts.

Jan 5, 2005, 6:40 PM
i have a moto v551, which has aim built in, and your sayin then that my IMs could come out of the KB usage and not the text messages?

Jan 5, 2005, 7:17 PM
couldnt tell you with that phone... if you notice that the GPRS symbol comes up when you're using the AIM program on your phone, you're actually using data. my GPRS symbol comes up on my v600 when i use my "Mobile IM" program that i downloaded for free from cingular.com so i know that my IMs come out of my data bucket and not my SMS bucket.

Jan 5, 2005, 6:54 PM
I've never heard of this and I work for Cingular... Tell me, where's the location of this program?

Jan 5, 2005, 7:29 PM
this is how i got it...

i went to my browser "MEdia Net home"
then to "4. Messaging"
then to "3. Instant Messaging"
then to "1. Get AOL IM"
then it connected me to another page that allows me to download "Mobile IM" for free... directly from Cingular. the link even says "Free Download"

i does say in the page, however, that standard messaging rates apply, but it never uses my text messages, just GPRS. i know that because my GPRS symbol comes up when im using it and my phone always says "XXXXX bytes transferred" after i exit the program.

hope that helps 🙂

Jan 5, 2005, 8:35 PM
I'd check the bill... The GPRS icon will always appear when a GPRS signal is found... Not necessarily when a GPRS connection is made... The AOL IM that is downloaded from Cingular is setup to use messaging rates... If yours is not charging you for messages you're very lucky... I wouldn't mention it to customer service... By obligation we would have to "fix" this problem for you. Double check your bill though. You may just be within your text message package that you think you're not being charged.

Jan 5, 2005, 8:58 PM
oh i understand the GPRS icon will show up if the GPRS signal is available... mine changes when the GPRS is actually active... when data is being transferred through the connection. i have it set that way so i know when GPRS is actually being used. mine isnt set up to use SMS because it ALWAYS connects using GPRS... even on my friend v400 it uses GPRS, not SMS. i guess it must be the software or something. im not being charged for those messages because otherwise i would be WELL over the 2000 text messages that i am every month... with t-mobile when i had them... i was averaging 5000 msgs + when i was using AIM through SMS. thats why im glad that the MobileIM doesnt use SMS.

Jan 5, 2005, 9:16 PM
If this is the case I will test this out myself... If I come across the same conclusion as yourself... If I do not, it could be an isolated issue and that is great for you...

Thanks for the heads up though. 😉

Jan 5, 2005, 10:43 PM
actually you can be billed for aim on either data or text depending on how it is accessed from your phone. I have seen both.

Jan 5, 2005, 9:23 AM
cpuwizkid said:
ive been looking for a new text messaging package since ive gotten the cingular service in april.

i have the MEdia works package too... i use ALL 1500 messages plus another 1000 on top of that.. yeah... $30.00 for overage per month on average. i love the coverage and the wireless internet... i really want EDGE on my V600, but im waiting for the new moto phone to come out so i can upgrade. but yeah, a MEdia works package with unlimited text messages would be nice... the whole unlimited internet thing is cool too since i use like 3-4MB/mo of that. yay for POP3 email access!

do you know if theyre coming out with anything like that?

3-4mb only? hehehe i am up to 35mb right now on my nok...

Jan 5, 2005, 10:35 AM
I was averaging about 30-40 MB/mo for a while there... 😉

Jan 5, 2005, 6:39 PM
one month i think i hit 40 cuz i hooked my v600 up to my laptop via bluetooth but SHHHHHH 😈

Jan 5, 2005, 9:25 AM
ok well regarding the AIM thing, on my last invoice i saw a subscription charge for using AIM, when my next invoice prints i will see if its still there.......and yes cingular SHOULD at least offer unlimited text...t mobile does 😉

Jan 5, 2005, 10:40 AM
I would double check that... There is no additional cost associated w/ AOL... And yes... We need Unlimited text msg... I agree...

Jan 5, 2005, 11:07 AM
speck said:
I would double check that... There is no additional cost associated w/ AOL... And yes... We need Unlimited text msg... I agree...


Jan 5, 2005, 4:38 PM
So the next step up from 9.99 for 750 is the media works, right?

Jan 5, 2005, 4:58 PM
joef3 said:
So the next step up from 9.99 for 750 is the media works, right?


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