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what's up with nokia?


Feb 14, 2007, 12:12 PM
why is it that they seem to have forgotten the US market?

Feb 14, 2007, 12:22 PM
They have put the US as 2nd tier importantance becuase carriers want too much customization which means the carriers are too demanding, usually end up dismantling the handset making the phone less capable than it really is...so until carriers stop this we wont be seeing much of nokia anymore unless you purchase unlocked...oh and goodluck getting frequencies for america's 3g networks...

Feb 18, 2007, 6:19 PM
It's gotta be, cuz everytime I read that Nokia is the #1 cell phone manufacturer I just laugh... Just look at any of the carriers in the US. They barely have Nokias in their phone line up.. Im not a fan of Nokia phones at all, but still I think they are or have lost market share in the US due to this.

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