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Hey, kids, just a bit of help about the VZW Network

Sprint Guy James

Nov 21, 2006, 12:13 AM
Okay, so I've heard quite a few conflicting stories. And I'd like to get an opinion from an ACTUAL EXPERT or the like, NOT I repeat NOTTT a fanboy!

Now, my question is this.

I use Sprint. I work for Sprint. Naturally, I hear Sprint touting their network. My trainer said that Verizon leases towers from Sprint.

And yet I've heard from somebody at Verizon who said that Sprint leases THEIR towers from VZW.

Not surprising in the least are these claims.

Sure, each provider is obligated to say "We have the best/most powerful/amazing/protect-us-from-meteors/fast est/most reliable/blahdiblah network!"

But I really would like to get the bottom of this issue.

Neither company's websites have anything to say about that.

Any he...

Nov 21, 2006, 12:15 AM
Sprint and Verizon roam off of each other, it just depends where you are. There! Easy answer, ok, next question!

Nov 21, 2006, 1:41 AM
Yes it is possible to roam onto a competitors towers if there is no coverage, but they do not lease towers from eachother. Quest & ESPN both leased towers from Sprint and in return they received about $23 profit per quest or ESPN mobile customer each month.

If a Sprint customer roams onto a Verizon tower Sprint has to cover the bill for that usage, usually around $.50/min, but generally speaking that cost is not passed on to the customer anymore.

Nov 21, 2006, 12:22 PM

All carriers roam off another carrier in some part of the country.

Sprint, Alltel, VZW all have agreements with each other.

Example, VZW recently signed a huge agreement with Alltel to use their towers here that are more rural that in town but Alltel can't roam off VZW here. VZW has 3 times as much coverage than before with this agreement. Which should increase my business (I am a VZW agent) because of the no roaming fees to use the new network.

As do Cingular, T-mo and any other GSM network (I don't know as we don't have any of this in my area).

Some carriers (Cingular for sure) have a clause that says if you roam too much on their network that they can force you to disconnect with them and go with someone that has ...

Nov 21, 2006, 2:33 PM
Take a look at the Maps and tell me who leases to who. My guess would be that Sprint leases to Verizon. I wouldn't actually put it that way though.

The proper way to state that would be that Sprint and Verizon have Roaming agreements with eachother.

As far as I know though, Verizon and Alltel have roaming agreements with eachother. I do not have 100% clarification on Sprint roaming agreements with Verizon.

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