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in response to current bluetooth crybaby assertions


Aug 12, 2004, 12:20 PM
I've seen the nokia bluetooth heaven, and I declare no one shall say we "water down" bluetooth ever again. Verizon jumped to bluetooth right away to appease those with bluetooth vehicles - hence the reason the new bluetooth only handles wireless accessories and not object push or share - but you just wait, it's going to be great!

Aug 12, 2004, 12:29 PM
Right away? By whose standards? Other carriers have offered BT, uncrippled, for a year or more!

What is the reasoning behind releasing a wouded product? Vehicles my eye. Most BT users want BT for untethered data, or syncing to a computer.

Aug 12, 2004, 12:35 PM
No MOST don't even know what BT is hehehe

Aug 12, 2004, 12:43 PM
what?! that phone has Blue tooth?? My dentist bills are high enough as it is, I don't need some other freaky tech disease there sunny! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Aug 12, 2004, 12:52 PM
Guess my Beantown customers are more tech savvy.

Aug 12, 2004, 12:57 PM
go yankees!

Aug 12, 2004, 1:08 PM
now THAT was a low blow! lol

Aug 12, 2004, 2:16 PM
Bah. Blasted Yanks.

Give me my Red Sox! Give me my Patriots! Give me fresh cooked italian sausage right outside Fenway park at the sausage guy stand.

Ahh good ole Boston.

Aug 12, 2004, 2:44 PM
Spoken like a neighbor...you in Boston, GW?

Aug 12, 2004, 4:01 PM
Not Boston no. I'm about 20 min north on rte 95.. Well as us locals call it "Good ole route 128."

I've worked in the Prudential center in Boston and before that I worked in Cambridge at the galleria.

"Yeah you follow 128 allll the way to Burlington." Hehehe I love confusing vacationers.

Aug 12, 2004, 4:05 PM
now im never going to boston i get lost easy 🙄

Aug 31, 2006, 1:05 PM
Good. Those rotaries are liable to get anyone lost. We were vacationing in Hyannisport a couple of weeks ago and would go into Boston quite a bit. My father-in-law rented a car with GPS and we still had trouble!

Aug 13, 2004, 10:28 AM
GWFOX said:
Bah. Blasted Yanks.

Give me my Red Sox! Give me my Patriots! Give me fresh cooked italian sausage right outside Fenway park at the sausage guy stand.

Ahh good ole Boston.

Forget the Pats. Go Panthers

Aug 12, 2004, 1:00 PM
Or it could be that the customers that talk to you are the one's that not only know what bluetooth is, but will actually use it for more than just a wireless headset.

I have a couple of friends that have T-mobile (one has a Nokia 6600, the other a 3660) and they actually use the bluetooth all the time.

I'm getting a 3660 my self, and as soon as I get my new computer (in a month or 2) I'll be using bluetooth on almost a daily basis.

Their customers are probably a lot like my customers, they just want a phone. When you say bluetooth, they just give you a blank stare. Then you have to do the whole "what bluetooth is and what it can do" talk.

What fun.

By the way, any suggestions on a good bluetooth headset? I've seen...

Aug 12, 2004, 1:10 PM
I have the Jabra FreeSpeak, and it rocks!

Aug 12, 2004, 1:14 PM
Does it matter what type of phone you have? I want to make sure that the headset I get will work properly with the Nokia 3660 that I'm getting delivered in the next couple of days.

I'm sure that the Jabra will work fine, I just want to be doubly sure before forking over that much cash for a headset.

But thanks for the info. I know that Jabra makes good stuff.

Aug 12, 2004, 1:17 PM
I have used mine with the SE637 and Moto V600 without a problem.

Aug 12, 2004, 1:27 PM
T637 Jabra 250.......Voice everything.

And who is Wonderdave...The wannabe CEO of Verizon with all his 'Oooohh Its gonna be great..but I can't tell ya becuz it's confidential and I am in the inner circle and you can't know all that's comiming out "

Plueeeze man. If Verizon was not worried about the little brother C....Nothing oooo "confidential" would be "coming out". It would be business as usual......But you know as well as I. It will never be business as usual now that there will actually be a focused concentrated competitor. Something Verizon has never had to deal with.

Sometimes little brothers grow up larger than big brothers even if bald and uglier.

Aug 12, 2004, 1:30 PM
Kingfrog...honestly what company doesn't make changes? Even as #1 if you don't change anything or come up with something new...people get bored...with the short term memory loosing, channel flipping world we live in, if companies don't change what they are offering they can say bye bye to business...actually come to think of it innovation and change would be considered business as usual, wouldn't it?

Aug 12, 2004, 2:32 PM
The Volkswagon brand stayed pretty much the same same for years and years.......You know why? No competetion......When they did finally change things were not the same for them.

Competition FORCES change. Change for change sake can be deadly to a successful product or business.
My inplication is that Verizon HAS to change.Is forced to change against the will of the company. There is no choice.

I do think the changes they will have to make to respond to Cingular as a new and larger entity that will be in the public eye will cost them financially. They are used to making a given amount.IN fact targets suggest MORE income each quarter which they have been great at. But That income would have to become less and less with each chang...

Aug 12, 2004, 3:06 PM
Frog, don't be to blind. Remember too that there is two types of change, the sudden and fast ones and the slow and gradual ones. Verizon is changing, making adjustments slowly and carefully while studying the markets as they do it. Releasing certain price plans in certain areas and then doing certain promos in other areas, seeing how the market reacts to the new additions, find what people bite on and what they don't.

The quick changes are usually painful, hard, and obvious. Its hard to survive quick changes and I think this is what you are looking for. From the inside and the amount of time I have been here, Verizon is doing the slow changes. adjusting to the customer base needs, making sure it's wheels are going with customer's needs o...

Aug 12, 2004, 3:51 PM
How can you call what Cingular is doing a "leap in the dark". No mobile carrier ever expanded without merging with another. This is an all too common way of doing business in the industry you work in. You should know that. Carrier mergers are common place.

I do not believe for a moment there will be huge issues to deal with. Many most likely are being worked out even now, before the close, to be as seemless as possible. I think history has been a lesson in the merger department and with each merger it should get easier to implement. No matter how big the companies.

As a former ATT customer I cannot see where customers will be "burned" or get upset. I was glad to have found Cingular to be such a great fit for me, especially being an A...

Aug 12, 2004, 4:21 PM

As a former ATT customer I cannot see where customers will be "burned" or get upset. I was glad to have found Cingular to be such a great fit for me, especially being an ATT customer. I would have stayed with ATT but for the phone price and the impending deal. Little things. I know those at Verizon are expecting to keep the doors open for all the "unhappy merger" LNP's. I just do not think that will happen as expected by many here.

Yes but what works well for you does not speak for the remainder of AT&T 20 someodd million customer...am I right or am I right? Just playing Devils advocate

Aug 13, 2004, 11:18 AM
You mean those 20someodd million customers who will receive better coverage and need not change anything else?

Aug 13, 2004, 11:25 AM
I like the sarcasm there PP, but you know damn well that there are going to people that even if they have no problem are not going to like the change...being in the business a long as you have been you would have to be senile if you didn't know that...hell just updating a billing system will cause call ins to peak...let alone the millions of people that don't even know that they're cell phone company has been sold to the highest bidder...that first bill that they recieve that says Cingular on it...people are going to flip out...call in rate will skyrocket...some people aren't going to like it...but since "nothing has changed" you won't let those people out of their service agreement...all I gotta say is good luck

Aug 13, 2004, 11:30 AM
Actually, all of ATTWS' customers were notified of the impending buyout by mail some time ago, so they know we're taking over. Response to this here in the Boston market has been one of excitement for the most part.

While there will be some that want to "jump ship" I think the general thinking among carriers is exactly like it was for LNP... huge flood coming turned out to be a trickle.

Aug 13, 2004, 11:34 AM
Now was that a bill insert or did they actually recieve something seperate...cause you know if it was a bill insert only about 5% of people actually look at those things...

Aug 13, 2004, 11:53 AM
Actual letter.

Aug 12, 2004, 4:26 PM
I think mergers are always a leap in the dark, but like I said, its with a flash light. Each side can get ready all they want but the final outcome wont be seen until the two sides will be pushed together. I also don't know if you ever had to work through billing system conversions Frog, but to put it simply... its a bitch. I have seen things from a simple as lost credits that never got applied all the way up to an entire (although small) city that got lost in the conversion (they found it real quick mind you). Then you have cross training for the reps. I we got one billing system here on the west area that has a back end and a front end. The front end makes things very much easier to use and do things instead of doing things on the back end...

Aug 12, 2004, 4:50 PM
really?, im a firm beliver that the world will be engulfed by a great darkness on December 25th 2012

Aug 12, 2004, 4:53 PM
Dyingunman said:
really?, im a firm beliver that the world will be engulfed by a great darkness on December 25th 2012

that's also why im a firm beliver that we should get our ass to Mars before then. 😉

Aug 12, 2004, 6:01 PM
Gah! thats where the gate way to hell is opened and released... or where the govenator breakes loose the alien probe that destroys mars. I forget.

Aug 12, 2004, 5:00 PM
you know actually, I predict that phone manufacturers are about to own the wireless industry both for service and equipment. With new WiFi powered voice calls and ISP calling, with seamless connection to a carrier, it's bound to happen that whoever makes the best phone wins. Not who ever has the best coverage. The internet covers just about everything and with the new version of WiFi covering miles instead of tiles we're looking at a whole new ballgame folks.

Feb 8, 2005, 5:29 PM
Absolutely, change is often put upon a company by their competitors. Look at the changes that WalMart has brought to retailing and the changes that Airbus brought to the airline industry.
Sometimes a monster competitor forces mergers and buyouts, just to survive. No company is free from the forces of competition. Anyone who can say that competition does not bring change is not very observant.
In the wireless industry Cingular brought out rollover minutes so Sprint brought out Fair and Flexible. Sprint introduced picture messaging and now everyone offers it as standard fare. Verizon offered In Network calling nationwide as a standard feature now it is pretty standard from everyone. U.S. Cellular offered sharetalk and now shared minutes are...

Aug 12, 2004, 1:39 PM
Wonderdave is getting on my nerves too. almost as much as you do. I do have to say you have seemed pretty cool this week though.

Aug 12, 2004, 1:43 PM
I'll second that Kingfrog, you are a lot more personable...did you get some on that Cruise....hehehe j/k

Aug 12, 2004, 1:48 PM
Its all that Vitamin Jack in his system! lol

Aug 30, 2006, 3:47 PM
if the customer does not know what BT is than it is the employee's fault for not educating them....of they got it on line and in that case fu

Aug 30, 2006, 8:07 PM
uscingulair said:
if the customer does not know what BT is then it is the employee's fault for not educating them....

Correct. This is a really old thread. Did Verizon fix the problem like the other carriers did yet?

Aug 12, 2004, 4:57 PM
I think the point is that people who know what bluetooth is and is capable of will want it to do everything.......the people who don't know, won't care about that feature even on the Cigular/ATT network.

Aug 12, 2004, 12:56 PM
Yes, bluetooth isn't new to anyone. Verizon decided to take on bluetooth because over 30% of those who churned in the last quarter did so because they needed bluetooth. We're not going to lose customers because we don't have the bluetooth phones that "SUCKtel" or SuckA$$ wireless has.

Aug 12, 2004, 9:43 PM
Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that you work in the MAILROOM at VZW? You want to know why you are losing customers over data issues? Every other MAJOR national carrier MANHANDLES VZW IN THE DATA DEPT. ALL OF THEM. EVEN your lil' bro' Sprint offers more in the data dept. and that's pretty sad. I LOVE the way VZW's attitude towards anything it doesn't think it's customers want. VZW is like some old a$$, crusty executive who just has no clue what it's customers actually want or need.

Feb 12, 2005, 11:50 PM
CainMarko said:
Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that you work in the MAILROOM at VZW? You want to know why you are losing customers over data issues? Every other MAJOR national carrier MANHANDLES VZW IN THE DATA DEPT. ALL OF THEM. EVEN your lil' bro' Sprint offers more in the data dept. and that's pretty sad.

Hmm. thats odd. i could have sworn that we offer the fastest wireless data technology in the country.. oh wait, we do. It's called EV-DO, and it makes every other carrier's wireless data technology look pathetic.. nice try though.

I LOVE the way VZW's attitude towards anything it doesn't think it's customers want. VZW is like some old a$$, crusty executive who ju

Feb 13, 2005, 2:47 PM
Keep driving using the rear view mirror 85......soon you will hit a tree....

Aug 12, 2004, 10:31 PM
And where do you get your figures from? I presume out of somewhere where the sun doesn't shine.

Even though data is being pushed hard right now, if i had to estimate on how many people would leave one carrier to go to another for data purposes i'd say it's moreover 1% of the people that were part of the churn. I'm not saying people don't do more with their phones than talk, but I am saying people will suffer the data side to have the voice side, and VZW does have great voice coverage. Heck, I know someone who has T-Mobile for data ($30 unlimited) and has VZW for his regular phone.

In closing i say... try again.

Feb 8, 2005, 5:17 PM
A majority of Sprint customers keep vision. Data is a big deal. I think EVDO and V-cast are awesome products I can't wait to see them in my market.

Aug 12, 2004, 2:51 PM
bluetooth is a pirate

I dont know where all this wireless connectivity bullcrap comes from 🙄

Aug 12, 2004, 10:18 PM
phonepimp3376 said:
Right away? By whose standards? Other carriers have offered BT, uncrippled, for a year or more!

What is the reasoning behind releasing a wouded product? Vehicles my eye. Most BT users want BT for untethered data, or syncing to a computer.

TheVZWMan said:
No MOST don't even know what BT is hehehe

reread his post. "Most BT users want BT for untethered data, or syncing to a computer."
I don't recall him saying most USERS want BT, he was merely stating that the majority of people who DO want BT want it for wireless data connections, not just voice.

Aug 13, 2004, 12:03 AM
good Lord Mycool I was joking around with him...simmer dude not everything is a flame war...if you've read even a few of my posts between PP and me you'll see that we poke fun at each other and are sarcastic most of the time

Aug 13, 2004, 11:23 AM
Yeah, that's right... because VZWMan wants to be me when he grows up!

Aug 13, 2004, 11:26 AM
well you got almost 20 years on me PP...hehehe does that make you feel old?

Aug 13, 2004, 11:31 AM
Nah... my fiance is 25, so something's working...hehehehe

Aug 13, 2004, 11:35 AM
well she's older than I am

Feb 8, 2005, 5:10 PM
Great to see your posts again!

Feb 8, 2005, 5:19 PM
SPCSVZWJeff said:
Great to see your posts again!

dude that post was last august!!!

Feb 8, 2005, 5:39 PM
BlueGuy said:
SPCSVZWJeff said:
Great to see your posts again!

dude that post was last august!!!
LOL. That's what I figured out after I got all excited.

Nov 20, 2004, 8:59 AM
wonderdave said:
Verizon jumped to bluetooth right away to appease those with bluetooth vehicles - hence the reason the new bluetooth only handles wireless accessories and not object push or share - but you just wait, it's going to be great!

OK, Wonderdave, how long do we need to wait? It's been two months since your post.

Feb 4, 2005, 7:37 PM
beats me... I work for Sprint now 😁

Feb 5, 2005, 8:27 PM
wonderdave said:
beats me... I work for Sprint now 😁

It's like buying a TV set and getting it home to discover there is no remote control. You call the store and they are aware of the problem, and ask you to wait for it to arrive.

After calling the store for 5 months, finally they say no remote control will be available for that model, but the store policy says it is too late to return the TV.

You also signed a two-year contract to get satellite service that won't work with any other brand of TV.

Feb 7, 2005, 1:05 PM
that is precicely why it did not make sense to purchase the v710 before any fixes (assuming you knew about problems and the features were important to you.

I had decided to wait until the fixes were actually in place and proved to function. History has showed that the fixes often never arrive. Unfortunately many chose to ignore history and continue to hit their heads against the wall.

Feb 7, 2005, 11:51 PM
why dont you frickin cry about it.. dang... bluetooth, like I originally said, was originally released just to appease the fantastic acura and bmw drivers that rock out with bluetooth navigation and car kits... so zip your pie holes and kwitcherbitchin.

Feb 7, 2005, 11:54 PM
if you have a problem with vz.. suit them...
its that simple.. i was an ops manager and had confidential reports that talked about a release of more profiles but that never happened... i work for sprint now.. give me a break ... ::hands the whole forum a midol::

Dec 18, 2004, 11:49 PM
wonderdave said:
Verizon jumped to bluetooth right away to appease those with bluetooth vehicles - hence the reason the new bluetooth only handles wireless accessories and not object push or share - but you just wait, it's going to be great!

It's been 4 months and we are still waiting for Verizon to do this.

What is the reason for delay now?

Dec 19, 2004, 8:21 AM
So they can continue to screw us.

Feb 12, 2005, 11:20 PM
jukebox2 said:
So they can continue to screw us.

ok. time for my 2 cents on this issue since I'm in the sales division of VZW...

1) if you owned Microsoft, imagine how much money your company would lose if Windows XP, NT, and ME software was shareware. (meaning you can install a single piece of software on several computers for free). my point is this- it would be completely pointless for us to charge money for GIN applications if you could share them from phone to phone. We are a business, and like every business, to be successful, we must make profit.

2) lets say i purchase an Audiovox speakerphone with one carrier, then i notice that another carrier offers an Audiovox with a much louder speakerph...

Feb 13, 2005, 3:16 AM
by 85percent    Today, 12:20 PM
ok. time for my 2 cents on this issue since I'm in the sales division of VZW...

1) if you owned Microsoft, imagine how much money your company would lose if Windows XP, NT, and ME software was shareware. (meaning you can install a single piece of software on several computers for free). my point is this- it would be completely pointless for us to charge money for GIN applications if you could share them from phone to phone. We are a business, and like every business, to be successful, we must make profit.

2) lets say i purchase an Audiovox speakerphone with one carrier, then i notice that another carrier offers an Audiovox with a much louder speakerphone, should I sue my carrier?
My poi

Feb 13, 2005, 11:29 AM
85percent said:
1) if you owned Microsoft, imagine how much money your company would lose if Windows XP, NT, and ME software was shareware. (meaning you can install a single piece of software on several computers for free). my point is this- it would be completely pointless for us to charge money for GIN applications if you could share them from phone to phone. We are a business, and like every business, to be successful, we must make profit.

The GIN games are protected by a DRM scheme.
https://www.phonescoop.com/glossary/term.php?gid=154 »

If you try to copy them from phone-to-phone they won't work. DRM = Digital Rights Management = copyright protection.

They are encrypted on only work on a speci...

Aug 29, 2006, 11:18 PM
wnrussell said:
85percent said:
1) if you owned Microsoft, imagine how much money your company would lose if Windows XP, NT, and ME software was shareware. (meaning you can install a single piece of software on several computers for free). my point is this- it would be completely pointless for us to charge money for GIN applications if you could share them from phone to phone. We are a business, and like every business, to be successful, we must make profit.

The GIN games are protected by a DRM scheme.
https://www.phonescoop.com/glossary/term.php?gid=154 »

If you try to copy them from phone-to-phone they won't work. DRM = Digital Rights Management = copyright protection.

They a

Feb 13, 2005, 12:06 AM
wnrussell said:
wonderdave said:
Verizon jumped to bluetooth right away to appease those with bluetooth vehicles - hence the reason the new bluetooth only handles wireless accessories and not object push or share - but you just wait, it's going to be great!

It's been 4 months and we are still waiting for Verizon to do this.

What is the reason for delay now?

Yet you had 30 days to return the phone once you realized that you couldn't pirate GIN applications. How long should our return policy be? 6 months? a year?


Aug 30, 2006, 4:23 PM
I get tired of hearing everyone wine about bluetooth. I mean come on.. seriously?!?! So what if VZW's phones don't use all the bluetooth capabilities. Do you honestly think that bluetooth is what is holding Verizon back? I think not. If I had to ask 100 of my customers if they cared our phones wouldn't be able to transfer things via bluetooth, would they care? Heck No! I have never had a customer come in to me and say "Cingular rocks, they don't cripple their bluetooth." I think Bluetooth honestly leaves much to be desired. It isn't all that fantastic to me. I like it for one reason, and one reason only. Less wires for my headset while I'm driving. Let's all just get back to what phones are really meant to be.......PHONES! Not p...

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