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bad chocolate?


Oct 14, 2006, 12:51 PM
im thinking about getting the chocolate. i was just wondering... is there really anything BAD or HORRIBLE about the chocolate?? any help is appreciated

Oct 14, 2006, 12:53 PM
you must put a little effort and time into learning the phone it's different with the touch buttons. everyone that i talk to says they hate it after 1 to 2 days and i'm like you barely tired anytime something new comes out it takes a little effort and adjustment. once i got the hang of it i love it, plus the reception is as good or better than my 8300.

Oct 14, 2006, 12:57 PM
yea i heard about the touch buttons but thats fine with me im willing to learn for something as cool as that. anything else i sould worry about?

Oct 14, 2006, 1:00 PM
Its not about learning though with the touch buttons.. I thought that too when I played with it the first time, that it would be really hard to learn..but the other day I picked it up again and its not bad to learn at all..but im a quick learner..

Buttt like i said with the touch...its going to have those problems ppl complain about with their nonflip phones and more..meaning it might dial numbers in ur pocket or purse..or while being on ur phone or anything. Remember it is touch..soo any kind of touch to it will do something to it. Especially when its up next to your cheek talking..

Iv heard a lot of people complain about this phone..I wouldnt recommend it myself..

Oct 14, 2006, 1:07 PM
it has a very good lock on the phone as soon as it slides closed it locks the touch buttons and then you have to press teh voice command button on the side of the phone twice to unlock. and after like 20-30 secs of no use it locks again. and when i hold my chocolate it doesn't rub on my face honestly i think it's in the wrong position if it's rubbing. I do recommend using the VZW ui and not the flash ui because the flash is a little slow and trying to use the touch buttons on that is a little frustrating but i prefer the vzw ui anyway.

Oct 14, 2006, 1:10 PM
Yeah I guess that could make it better...

Im just not one to wanna have to lock my phone or have it go into lock.

I hate that on other phones when I go to use em..

But it is all about personal preferences than.

Oct 14, 2006, 1:11 PM
I use the flash ui and it is a little slower, but i seldom have to go in there after setting up my shortcut keys. The front display has music,camera,message, contacts... Then you can set four shortcuts, per example my up key goes to my alarm clock, down to calender, right is get it now and left is my pix and flix, i don't use much else in phone that causes me to go through menus

Oct 14, 2006, 6:24 PM
As far as dialing numbers in your pocket or while your cheek is touching it-doesn't happen. It locks after a few seconds, in standby and after your call is initiated, so you can touch it all you want while on a call, won't do anything unless you press to unlock.

Oct 14, 2006, 12:56 PM
I personally wouldnt recommend the chocolate they are still working on even updating it so it is also MP3 capable. Or maybe they already did finally do that.

But the phone itself isnt that great..your better off waiting till the 9900 or 8600 come out..

Plus the phone gets dirty VERY fast..
and with its touch sensitivity...you can even be touching things with your face while your talking on the phone..you might even hang up on the person or switch to another call or anything on accident.

If you can live with all that its a pretty neat phone and the theme changes are pretty cool to it..but im sure the 9900 and 8600 with have the same..

Oct 14, 2006, 12:59 PM
how are you going to hang up?? end button is on the side of the phone. MP3 is worked out fine the only thing was speaker phone which i believe you can get the software for it now. i think if the buttons are rubbing on your face your holding it wrong.

Oct 14, 2006, 1:01 PM
well im kinda running out of time on waiting for the 9900 cuz i heard a bunch of diff release dates and idk which one is the right one. if i had some hard facts on the phone i would wait for it but i dont wanna wait till next month for the phone i need something now. my current phone is breaking more and more every day

Oct 14, 2006, 1:02 PM
well than go for the chocolate...or get the V? Or spend the extra money in get the samsung..now thats an awesome phone!

Oct 14, 2006, 1:03 PM
are you talking about the samsung a990?

Oct 14, 2006, 1:05 PM

Oct 14, 2006, 1:08 PM
yea i heard thats a pretty good phone. id get it if i had the money. im 16 and jobless so itll prolly come from my dad paying (he wont pay much more) or my bank acount (which is running pretty low.) i do like the V though. i heard it had some problems freezing while texting did that get worked out? and can it still only play wma's? or can it play mp3's now?

Oct 14, 2006, 2:04 PM
I have the Samsung A990. It's a great phone, but I doubt your dad is willing to spend that much money on a phone.
Wireless Buddy

Oct 14, 2006, 7:59 PM
I'd never get a phone that expensive. I'd be constantly worrying about it being damaged/lost/stolen.

Oct 14, 2006, 2:15 PM
oh i thought the chocolate was the same that it could only play wma? Might wanna check on that
Wireless Buddy

Oct 14, 2006, 8:01 PM
no, Chocolate can play mp3s
Wireless Buddy

Oct 14, 2006, 7:54 PM
MFoster9 said:
i need something now. my current phone is breaking more and more every day

what phone do you have now?

Oct 14, 2006, 1:08 PM
? the mp3 player has always worked and it is very easy to use. The only update they were working on was adding speakerphone capability. The phone does not get dirty easy, now it will get fingerprints you will find yourself wiping it on your shirt or pants to get them off, but not dirt. The touch buttons turn off when you are talking on it so you will NOT hit the buttons with your face while talking on it(not sure where you got that). If you must find complaints with the phone it is in the ease of use. It is very customizable, many menu and display options as well as a few diferent layouts to choose from(flash ui). This phone has a learning curve, you must get used to the touch keys. When I first bought it I was like damn! this thing is a pa...

Oct 14, 2006, 1:11 PM
now i do text alot do u think it will be like the touch keys and be a problem for the first couple days and then get used to it or will it be a pain forever? and i do plan on getting a memory card but prolly not right away.

Oct 14, 2006, 1:16 PM
No texting on this phone plain sux. It is the one thing i really hate about the phone. I have had it since the day it launched on website, i use about 2oo text a month and it is a pain, if you have any girth whatsoever to your fingers it is a pain, i am constantly hitting back to fix miss keys. I actually think it is harder to text than the razr's crappy flat keys(at leaste they were somewhat large) I am getting the 9900 as soon as the puppy launches, but not because I hate the choco, just because I have an addiction to phones and always want the new ones. I think I will get my wife the gzone

Oct 14, 2006, 1:18 PM
well i guess i kinda lied i dont text ALOT but ill do maybe 50 a day. i dont mind getting a cramp now and then but when texting does it pick up the keys pretty easily or do u find yourself going back to hit a key again that it didnt pick up (sorry if that was confusing)

Oct 14, 2006, 1:23 PM
the numbers/letters are regular buttons not touch sensitive only the top soft keys(corner keys) send key, clear key, and arrow keys are touch sensitive.

Oct 14, 2006, 1:35 PM
50 a day is a lot silly 🙂

So id say your gonna get more than a cramp here and there- and you will find urself backspacing or going back to fix things on the keys..they are pretty small.

Oct 14, 2006, 6:24 PM
right i knew that but i was just sayin like do u need to hit the keys twice ever so it picks up the letter cuz on my phone even if i push the button it wont pick up the letter till i push it again

Oct 14, 2006, 6:33 PM
You obviously don't have the Chocolate, nor know how it works, yet your saying not to get it for reasons that your totally wrong on. Like the lock function! You can rub this thing all over your face while on a call and you WILL NOT hang up on someone, switch between callers, or ANYTHING else, because the lock funtion prevents this!!

AND-noone is working on an update to make it MP3 capable!!!!!! The day it came out you could use MP3's!

Oct 14, 2006, 12:58 PM
My brother has the Chocolate and at first he wasn't too happy about the touch keys or the side keys. Now he has had it for about 3 weeks and he LOVES it.
It takes awhile to get used to all the features, but once you do I believe you will fall in love with the phone. 😎

Oct 14, 2006, 1:09 PM
Freakin Finger Prints EVERYWHERE!!!!!

I personally couldnt handle it but Im a little OCD, pretty phone but damn the smudges and finger prints, wors then the old nokia 8860

Oct 14, 2006, 1:13 PM
yeah but i came from a razr and was constantly cleaning that front window so i was used to rubbing the thing on my shirt everytime i checked the time, I guess now i just do it automatically, don't really even notice i am doing it

Oct 14, 2006, 1:15 PM
Lol, the chocolate is 100000000000 times worse, well at least to me, your not just cleaning the window, your cleaning the entire front, back and even the sides.

I need some anxoity medicine just thinking about it. 👀

Oct 14, 2006, 1:15 PM
the krzr is killing me with finger prints but it's not much diff than wiping my screen from oil on your face to finger prints.
Wireless Buddy

Oct 14, 2006, 7:44 PM
wfine81 said:
worse then the old nokia 8860

I liked the 8890/8860, but for what its worth, $1000 was insane! I mean the 8860 had horrible reception. Just like the 8800. All style, no features, insane price.

Oct 14, 2006, 8:24 PM
Wireless Buddy said:
wfine81 said:
worse then the old nokia 8860

I liked the 8890/8860, but for what its worth, $1000 was insane! I mean the 8860 had horrible reception. Just like the 8800. All style, no features, insane price.

I meant worse as in fingerprints, the 8860 was a pretty phone but your right, the reception and battery life sucked, I remember, buying an 8860 OEm housing and taking apart my 8260 and putting it into it, I had to unsolder the active slide mechanisim from a non working 8860 and solder it on the 8260, then take apart a 8260 battery and put it in the housing of the 8860 battery, it was a lot of work but it make the phone look pimp, also soldered bl...
Wireless Buddy

Oct 14, 2006, 8:28 PM
I used to have a 3560. I was going to get a faceplate for it that made it look like a flip phone (like the kind that had the plastic flip shield over the keys, not clamshell) but the 3560 broke shortly after so I never bought it.

Oct 15, 2006, 4:53 AM
i have the Chocolate and a 8100 and the phone is great i have the .04 software so my speakerphone works. its a great small phone and easy to use

Oct 15, 2006, 12:36 PM
also... is the battery really that bad? i read some reviews and alot of people said the battery sucks.

Oct 15, 2006, 7:20 PM
I have the chocolate phone for almost 3 weeks now, the battery life is pretty good. I can go three almost four days without charging it. I do use my phone quite a bit both talking and texting. Texting takes a little getting used to, somewhat like the Razr did for me also. Not used to flat keys on the Razr, or the smaller keypad on the Chocolate. As for brushing up against the keys and accidently hanging up on someone or dialing them, that has never happened. The touch sensitive pad on the front is locked when your phone is not being used so you can accidently call someone if you didnt want to. By the way, if you have one that doesnt have the speaker phone capability yet, take it to a store to get a "FREE" software flash, it not only g...

Oct 15, 2006, 7:24 PM
fooldmeonceagin said:
. As for brushing up against the keys and accidently hanging up on someone or dialing them, that has never happened. The touch sensitive pad on the front is locked when your phone is not being used so you CAN'T accidently call someone if you didnt want to.

My bad, should have proof read first before submitting.... 🤭

Oct 16, 2006, 12:39 PM
If your hands are big don't get the phone.
LL Cool Jake

Oct 20, 2006, 4:57 PM
I tried that phone just before porting to Sprint, it wasn't that difficult but found the slider to be just annoying in general.

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