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Can I Renew Via 3rd Party?


Aug 9, 2004, 8:52 PM
I am a current VZW customer and was holding off on doing anything with my phone until I completed a move. Well the move is over and I'm very happy to report that my cell phone works amazingly well in my new location and I'm ready to drop the land-line and go cell phone only. So I need to get a plan with more minutes and probably a good time to grab a new phone as well.

I've noticed that Circuit City and occasionally other retailers have mail in rebates and other deals that make the phones and plans a better offer than buying direct from Verizon. If I'm not going to buy from Verizon, I would only buy from a local store where I could make a return and get some customer service

As a current VZW customer am I even eligible to take part in ...

Aug 9, 2004, 9:49 PM
this is simple, all you have to do is an easy move, and with them you can find out if you are eligible for upgrade, and we have a great new plan with 2000 minutes for only 99.99 great deal, and you should be able to get early upgrade if has atleast been a year since your last upgrade.
Happy hunting

The number for eze move, is 1-877-316-1747

Aug 9, 2004, 10:14 PM
Iyvonne said:
this is simple, all you have to do is an easy move, and with them you can find out if you are eligible for upgrade

The number for eze move, is 1-877-316-1747

Thanks for the information however I guess I didn't explain myself very well in my previous post. Although I have moved from one part of the state to another, I still want to keep my number.

It's a temporary move (I moved for grad school) and I want to keep my old number and area code so my friends and family can still make a local call. I have already fulfilled all my contract and am eligible now for NE2 now.

My plan was to switch from a 400 minute National to a 600 minute or greater local plan. Haven't yet decided which plan...

Aug 10, 2004, 12:37 AM
If you want to redeem the NE2 you would have to go to an actual VZW store or call telesales. In your prior post you asked whether you can change from Verizon to Verizon, then in the reply you state you want to keep your existing cell #. Given that, yes you can port a landline# to your acct. Make sure the number is portable 1st by either going to our website or by calling cust service.

Aug 10, 2004, 12:23 PM
I think NE2s can be done at the Rat Shack too. I seem to remember from being there a couple years ago of being to do them. Any of you 3rd party vendors that post her can confirm this?

Aug 10, 2004, 12:31 PM
I work in the west and I know for a fact that the NE2 can only be redeemed via 2 channels--Direct outlet or telesales.

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