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Need help


May 7, 2006, 6:49 PM
i currently have the treo 650, but recently it started to act up(its only 1 yr old) I end up recetting it atleast once a day

I do use the palm options such as contact and calendar, but must admit if I must i can live with out it, back to manual calendar it is

what i do need is advice on a phone, what phone has good options and good abuse limit

just like most people I drom the phone every now and then and I do need a battery to last me more than the Razor phones do

I use about 1600 min a month (business use) and dont wanna have to purchase a new phone every 3 month due to overusage.
Also I owuld like to have something that I can conect to my PC to download contacts instead of retyping them or going to verizon store for transfers...

May 7, 2006, 6:53 PM
if you have had your phone only one year it may still be under warranty if not then if you got insurance you can get a replacement.

if its been over a year you are most likely eligable for early upgrade as long as your line is 59.99+ and has been for the last three months (sounds like it is)

It really depends on what you are looking for in a phone. what features do you need/want? good battery life and durable is what i got is that it? if so try the Motorola v325

May 7, 2006, 7:10 PM
if you do it within one year, and sign a new contract, how does that work? what discounts do you get? and you have to have a 59.99 contract for at least three months before they allow you to upgrade before the actual two years is up?

May 7, 2006, 7:12 PM
you can early upgrade if you are on a plan of 59.99 or higher for alteast the last three months, and havent gotten discounted equipment from vzw in atlast 12 months. this does require a new 2 year agreement and it is for standard upgrade pricing, not new every two.

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