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Advertisment on the Lg 7000.


Apr 17, 2004, 5:03 PM
Not to get anyone hopes up but, today I saw 2 bill boards (while driving on the highways in Atlanta) advertising the LG VX7000. Unless theres a LG phone out that looks very similar to the 7000. I know for sure it was a LG. But the only thing is I didn't see anything saying Verizon Wireless. All I saw was an identical picture of a blue LG 7000 on a red bill board. I also saw the camera on the phone. On the billboard it also stated LG. So this could only mean that Verizon is coming out with the LG pretty soon. But I'm not totally sure if it was the 7000 because I didn't a really get a good glance at it. I would go back but the billboards are so far from my house. Have anyone else seen billboards advertising the LG7000? Thanks!

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