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VZW's madness


Apr 12, 2004, 6:18 PM
I think I have figured out the method to VZW madness. See, they read this forum also,, and seeing all the comments about lack of phones etc. , they leak just enuf info. to whet peoples appetite.. Then when all the rumors about release dates, features, etc. they leak info about delays. Now people are really frustrated, and when the actual release happens, they have so many people beating their doors down just to get a new product. Of course this is all hypothetical, but it could be. LOL

Apr 16, 2004, 3:19 AM
OMG he's finding out our conspiracy!!! Dayumit. I was told my uncles cousins sisters girlfriends shack up honey's bootie call said it, so it must be true!!!! Employees, Customers, Everyone has been told rumours on phones, it's jut not the employees. And ya know what, I'm sure lil Aldcon's heart has been broken a time or 2 and a tear fell from his eye because his source may have not been reliable on a phone release. Things are always subject to change, release dates get pushed back, some get pulled up. Aldcon ya know I luv ya hun and I'm just teasin 😉 ASO's are mah friends :þ

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